500 gallon Tank is on the stand!

kh971 wrote: Try to use shims made out of a hardwood perferably oak, they will not compress as badly as some of the softer woods like pine. The shims they sell at hardware stores are made for shimming out doors and windows and may not be a hardwood, if you can put a good indention in it with your fingernail, then you might not want to use it. It will just compress over time a small amount with that much weight on it. My 2 cents.

Thanks for the advice.I actually got some shims from a contractor at work.They are used in retail buildings to shim the displays which are made of metal.I believe they are made from some type of hard plastic compound,but they should work well.Shrinkage should not be an issue.
horsesziggy wrote: James, Looking Good Man Can't Wait To See It Up Makes Me Want To Do Another Big Tank Sal

Another big tank? **** you do have it bad :)

My tank was alot lighter then yours,three people to lift it compared to 12.Plus it helped that my tank was allready lying right next to the stand..