93 gallon stand build

Perfect. I am 6'2" and don't have to strain to see corals. And I use a step stool anyway to do tank maintenance. So I wouldn't change it. I'm pretty sure it's 40"x30"x30"
FF337;1113625 wrote: Perfect. I am 6'2" and don't have to strain to see corals. And I use a step stool anyway to do tank maintenance. So I wouldn't change it. I'm pretty sure it's 40"x30"x30"

I am only 5'11" maybe 5'12" on a good day. I think I am going to go 36" tall for my build. I don't think the 4 inch difference will be that much different but save on materials a little.
If your putting skimmers and stuff under or considering a drawer go 40 and use a step stool
FF337;1114124 wrote: If your putting skimmers and stuff under or considering a drawer go 40 and use a step stool
I am definitely putting a skimmer. A drawer would be nice but doesn't for the design I am going for.

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http://s259.photobucket.com/user/Iam99x/media/DSC_4065_zps261052ac.jpg.html" alt="" />

This is what I am going for. I have been in contact with Allen who built it and love his designs.