A couple of fish ID requests, pics from GA Aquarium


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The wife and daughter went last week, and she got a couple of shots with fish that caught my attention. ID's, anyone?

1. Obvious:
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2: Top right corner, above nose of Strawberry Pseudochromis

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3: Topmost fish, black tang with yellow/orange spot surrounding scalpel
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Is that really a Naso? She said they were absolutely BLACK.

And thanks, Lyretail Hogfish. Found the info.
Skunk Tilefish, Lyretail Hogfish and yep thats a Naso Tang.
Thats a good sized Hogfish compared to the fish around it and what I have seen at stores.
Thanks guys... I've never seen a Naso darker than a medium-dark grey. I know it looks that way in the pic, but the fish were black. That threw me off.
mapleredta;376911 wrote: Was thinking the exact same thing.

Was thinking Thagrimy1, but while the grammar/punctuation is poor, there is actually no misspelling. Therefore, I have my doubts.
I went to the aquarium a few weeks back. I saw a really, really dark Naso (I'm guessing the same one). He was in the reef wall display with the waves crashing overhead. He looked really odd, I was wondering if maybe that get darker with age or something. IMO, he wasn't attractive....more odd looking than anything else.
for some reason, My naso looks black sometimes like if he's camoflauging himself or something.