a hole in his head


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I have a chromis that has a hole in his head. He acts ok and swims in the school fine. But I have a concern that he may have something that may cause problems with all my other fish. Any suggestions on what I should do?
I've got no advice, but I had a yellow watchman goby that had a hole in his side. He acted fine, but over time it got worse. He lived for over two months with the hole before he finally stopped eating. It was downhill pretty quick after that. And no other fish in the tank was affected.
Without a picture it is hard to tell what your chromis may have, but it might be HLLE (Hole in Head, lateral line erosion). I would look around some sites and see if the symptoms match those of your fish. If it is HLLE, people seem to believe it is due to malnutrition of the fish. Feeding a variety of foods will help. Dosing your foods in Zoecon, Selcon, and Zoe will help get vitamins and B12 into the food. Metronidazole is supposed to possibly help as well. Some people will feed veggies to try to suppliment B12. Over time it may stop the hole from getting bigger and letting it heal.

Good luck with your fish.
