A Newbie Cycling Question -- using LR


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I just put about 120 lbs of LR (from Sal) in my tank on Wednesday 4/2. I checked ammonia, nitrite and nitrate today Friday 4/4.

Ammonia is at 0
Nitrite is at 0.5
Nitrate is at 0

When should I expect the ammonia to spike and how often should I check these values?


PS I'm sorta color blind so it's difficult to be real exact -- do they make test kits that provide a read-out? Probably too expensive if they do.:sad:
I would check your levels once a week for 4 weeks... There might not be alot of die off from your rock if you kept it submerged from Sals to you, but thre should be some. At any rate, I would wait about 3-4 weeks even if your levels do check out and you never have a spike. There is more to a cycle then the things you can test for and 4 weeks give your pod populations time to grow, your tank to balance, and everything to get into check.

As far as a read out test, there are some but yes they will run you about $500-$1000 so prob not an option.
I did keep the LR in water from Sal's tank and immediately put the rock in my tank -- I was trying to avoid killing any little critters that I might not know were there.

I'll check weekly and record my results for trending purposes.

Can I safely assume after about 4 weeks that even if I don't get a spike in ammonia and the resulting nitrite and nitrate values -- the tank has cycled?

Should I do anything special or just let the pumps cycle the water and run the lights? I'm assuming running the lights would be beneficial.

i would asume after 4 weeks you would be fine. The rock I got from sal was fully cured. I saw a very small ammonia spike and no nitrite ar nitrate. If you kept the rock submerged you may not see anything.
johnr2604;161801 wrote: i would assume after 4 weeks you would be fine. The rock I got from sal was fully cured. I saw a very small ammonia spike and no nitrite ar nitrate. If you kept the rock submerged you may not see anything.

I got my rock on March 2, from sal also, I then tested my water every other day. Saw the ammonia spike on Tuesday, March 4, nitrites spiked on wednesday and thursday. The "cycle" ended Friday when I tested and everything came out at 0. I then tested it every day after that for 3 days to make sure. I got some snails and hermit crabs that Sunday.

I would take their advice with leaving it for 4 weeks. I think I might have rushed it a little bit. Cause a month later I have about 10 pieces of coral and 3 fish. So just take it slow.
Thanks for the cycling comments.

Since I got my LR directly from Sal's home tank -- I'm beginning to wonder if I'll see a spike at all. If there isn't any die-off I'm not sure the ammonia will rise until I put something in the tank to decay.

I really don't have any algae to speak of -- a very small amount of brown on the power heads. My water has been circulating for about 2 weeks before I was able to put in the LR.

Sal tossed in a few snails (don't know what they are) and I see 2 snails and a small crab doing well. Frankly, I'm worried they don't have anything to eat.

Waiting 4 weeks is gonna be hard to do -- but if it's the right thing -- I'll do it.

Any ideas what I should see in the way of algae?
Can I add anything to the refugium now -- or should I wait?

Have you tested daily? Has there been any changes in the nitrates, nitirtes, or ammonia? Did you transport the rock wet? <---- that is the biggest question. If you moved it wet, there will be little to no spike in the ammonia. Then there is no reason to wait,that I know of, just add your livestock slowly
if you don't already have corals, I would leave the lights off--that will discourage any nuisance algae growth; the coralline will return soon enough on its own-but the lights being out will help you with nuisance stuff.
Yep, the rock was transported wet and was (of course) wet when I got if from Sal's home tank.

I loaded the rock in 3 separate bins each with water. The rock was immediately put in my tank which had been circulating for a couple of weeks.

I'm gonna check the parms again today or tomorrow. Even if the numbers indicate it's safe to add livestock, I may wait at least one week to see if anything changes.

Thanks for all the experience and suggestions.