A plea for help...


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Hello fellow reefers,

Many of you will remember me as the guy in downtown atlanta that gives out a bunch of frags for free once a year... well now I am asking for your help. The last couple weeks have been pretty ****ty, I went out of town for work and came back to a mess, my tank had crashed big time. I suspect there were multiple issues at play, but long story short, probably some construction work in my loft was the root cause.

I've pretty much lost all my SPS, clams, soft corals, and some of my LPS. Yes, my huge green staghorn colonies... dead. All 6 of my clams... dead. my purple, orange, and green montis... all gone. I'm never going to be able to replace all these corals that have called my tank home for the last 10 years.

I've always been a big believer in spreading my frags around just in case something like this happened, so I'd like to ask any of you guys that have a colony from a frag I gave you, if the colony is big enough to frag a piece for me to rebuild, if you could go ahead and frag a piece onto a small rock and let it start growing.

There is no rush, I'm going to let my tank sit for another month or so to make sure things have settled down, whatever happened to the tank and the subsequent die off has taken me a couple weeks solid to clean up and now I've got to let the tank go through a mini-cycle again.

Thanks in advance for those of you that can help out!
So sorry to hear that. I haven't ever bought anything from you, just wanted to say sorry. Oh, and I would give you a frag... but... I can't frag anything other than xenia! :) So, you can have a frag, as long as it is xenia! Again, really sorry, but you're welcome to have some xenia!! :D
I have lots of sps I could frag for you...give me a shout when you are able to get the...pm me and i will give you my number
Daveatl-I've never met you but I can hook you up with some frags too when you need it-mostly SPS. Bummer about the tank.
I don't have any frags from your system, but if you want a new orange monti and trumpet I can help out. Probably pretty close to you as well.
I don't remember you since we're pretty new to the club, but it seems like a very cool thing you used to do. I'm terribly sorry for your losses. The only thing we have that can be fragged so far is a red ORA monti cap that we got recently. PM me if you'd like a frag of it. You're more than welcome to one. If you're still tempted by beer or tequila, a round or two of that is available too should we ever meet. Here's to a speedy recovery and great future tank fortune! :)
sorry for your loss. I have never met you. I have the couple of frags of ORA (Purple Rim Cap and Blue Hawkin Echinata)
You can have frags of anything in my tank:
ora green birdsnest
tubs birdsnest
yellow acro
garf bonsaii
tons of zoas
cali tort
oregon tort
ora red planet, chips, purple plasma

Shoot me a PM when you're ready.
what a great and generous bunch of folks, make the new folks know their in the right place.:yes::thumbs:
I will let you know what I have left and send you pics and you can have it if you want it. I have been taking my tank down.
Dave, I've got acouple recovery projects for you if you want them. I'm trying to help my tank get back on its feet and nothing's growing. There are three corals that are okay - maybe four. The others need help and love. I've got candy cane, hairy mushroom, zoas and a monti cap that "might" make it.

I also have a strong population of LE Glass Anemones. I know you're getting things rolling again, so I'll let you take as many of those as you would like! :D
Dave, just wanted to let you know how bad I feel for you. I have never personally dealt with you but as far as reefers go, we are all on the same team. If there is anything you need help with, let me know and I will assist any way I can.
daveatl;375713 wrote: I suspect there were multiple issues at play, but long story short, probably some construction work in my loft was the root cause.

when you've got the time, I'd love to hear the long story..

Sorry that you're having to deal with this, I know that it's got to be tough on you..
sorry for the loss...
If I had some frags I would let you in on some but Ive had my set backs too so maybe in 6 months..

I am downtown and have some orange montipora digitata that you can get anytime. I don't have any of your stock, but you are welcome to come by and get a frag of anything that you want in my tank.
I've never met you, so I have nothing from your stock. However you are welcome to a frag from my (admittedly modest) tank if you want. Only a few are big enough to frag, but if you need more to get going again shoot me a PM.