A plea for help...

Thank you all for your tremendous generosity!! I'll let you guys know when the tank seems stable enough to start adding in corals, things are looking better so maybe in a couple weeks I'll start adding in some frags and see how they do...

wow, i am glad i am a part of such a great club. seriously everyone is trying to help out in any way they can. i have not had the pleasure of meeting you, but i am sorry to hear that happend to you. i don't have any frags or corals for that matter, but if i did you would be more than welcome to them.
Oh, I forgot to add some more info on the crash. I mentioned in my first post some construction at my place, I had to have all my windows and exterior door replaced and I am leaning towards it being caused by sawdust from pressure treated lumber getting into my system. It's the only explanation I've been able to come up with since then. Basically, all the clams, snails, starfish died right away, I think the corals RTN'd from the sudden PH drop or maybe from the same chemicals that killed the clams/snails. All of the fish and shrimp survived with no visable effects (all eating and look healthy), but my golden moray hasn't eaten since then. Basically, all my favorites died and the "filler" stock is doing fine. For some reason, I've been putting off chiseling out the dead sps... maybe it will spontanteously regenerate, haha.
I know it's been a few months since "the accident", but I finally think the tank is ready for corals to be added! Water parameters have been good for a while now, and the surviving corals are looking good again. if anyone has gotten free frags from me in the past and they've done good in your tank, I'd really appreciate it if you could part with a frag, I'm particularly interested in getting back a piece of the following that I've given out in the past:

Purple m. mollis
green or orange m. capricornus
green or pink millipora
green slimer staghorn
purple a. carolina
purple pocillipora
pink birdsnest
yellow table acro

any cool zoanthids to fill in the bare spots!

I'm planning to come to the November ARC meeting since this is the first time I'm in town for the meeting, so you can bring the frag there if that's convenient for you.

Thank you very very much! Hopefully next year i'll be back to giving out free frags.

I broke two pretty large pieces off of my orange monti cap last night. You are welcome to them. I also have a green millipora you can have. Also, if you want a green bubble tip anemone, I have one of those also (my anemone decided to split and I now have three). I am downtown by the aquarium. Please let me know if you want these. You need to get the m. cap. soon.
Glad to here you are up and running. You gave me a green monti cap and told me "if you kill it come get another one". Well I did kill it, however I have since prospered better. I have a red monti cap I will bring a frag to you at the mtg.
I restarted my tank over the past couple months, so I don't have anything big enough to frag.... yet... give me some time, though!
We've never met, but others have helped me out when needed. I'm so sorry about your tank losses. I have several extra green hairy mushrooms if you need them to fill in spots and I can frag of a chunk of green montipora that I got from Jin's tank a few years ago. I'm going to the meeting. Let me know
