A Pleasant Surprise


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So I woke up this morning and found my Lawnmower Blenny (what appeared to be) sleeping in an empty clam shell we have set up. It was the cutest thing ever!! We got him not too long ago to clean up some of the brown algae we have been dealing with. He seems to be a good addition to the tank. :D
Next time I will definitely try to get a picture! They do have good personalities too.
That's awesome! Yeah it's my first time owning one. I love how he will hide in little nooks and crannies, blending in with the rocks. Plus he is really efficient. Always see him eating on algae. We are trying to get ride of the brown algae that seems to be taking over our tank. I guess that's due to the flow and water we have been using during water changes.
You think lawn mower blennies would be ok in a tank with a jaw fish, midas blenny, clowns and fire fish?
As long as they don't compete for food or territory they should be okay together. What size tank do you have?
Cool! Are you going strictly fish? Or do you have any corals, etc.? I know large anemones may eat firefish. Not sure how long you have had your tank up and running and what your future plans are. Also, I was reading up on the midas blenny...said they can nip at firefish and gobies. And if you keep them in an aquarium that is too small, they may become aggressive.