Acan lovers, buckle up!!

If you want to make a couple bucks, bring a few extra back! I'd take one in a heartbeat!
jmaneyapanda;276279 wrote: Actually, yes they are. Im taking the canon in tomorrow.

well, much improved from your fish! ............but I guess that would be natural as fish do have a habit of moving.

awesome collection, though!
I used to buy stuff and bring it home all the time, but being they are so restrictive with planes, I just have him ship it to me now.
jmaneyapanda;276162 wrote: Its called A Reef Creation, and its by the airport. But I used to work at The Fish Place for years and years, and he worked with me there.

I know this store.. the owners name is Randy.. I purchased Acans from him a last year. I ordered three colonies from him and he sent me an extra three for free. He's a class act. I'll most definately buy from him again.
Is Reef Creation the place at Wehrle/Transit. I pretty sure some guys from The Fish Place opened that place up. That was over 10 years ago though. The Fish Place is awesome. Especially if you're into freshwater. But they had quite a bit of marine fish also. Their 2000 gallon display is nice. How would that thing be as a reef?
coral_hog;276328 wrote: I know this store.. the owners name is Randy.. I purchased Acans from him a last year. I ordered three colonies from him and he sent me an extra three for free. He's a class act. I'll most definately buy from him again.
Yup. Randy O. He's my man. If you were at MACNA, he stocked the Red Sea tank with the tasty LPS. He is definitely a class act.
freezerrat;276336 wrote: It looks like such a dump from the outside. Then you go in and your jaw drops!

This place is right next to the airport. Its on like Airport Business Park Rd., or something.

The Fish Place was fun. Servicing the 2000 was not. I literally had to swim in it. We went from African cichlids, to South American, to big fish, back to South Americans. Not fun catching out 1000+ fish.

It was in an old bank, so the outside doesnt look modern. You shouldve seen the basement (wholesale). It was like a dungeon, but there were probably 1000 20 longs down there, full of fish.
The 2000 was big fish the first time i went there. I really remember the giant arowanas.
Buffalo at this time of the are a glutton for punishment!

I'm from upstate NY and always remember the amount of snow statewide always being the most in Buffalo.
photokid;276567 wrote: go further east and the snow gets worse rochester syracuse get pounded
Yeah, Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse, all get hammered by lake effect snow, which is very wet, heavy, and quick snow fall. Your talking 3 feet in a few hours sometimes. Sometimes more. In 2000, I suffered through about 7 feet in 3 hours. The city shut down and the National Gurad was called in. everyone just left their cars abandoned on the roads and highways. It was absurd.
OK, he is shipping me some stuff anyway, so if you see something in the pics, let me know.
I think I wet myself.... wow... what did they do? Robbed an ocean bare? I dont know if I have ever seen that many.... in one place.... this is simply amazing.
Man that is the most amazing tank of coral I think I have ever seen. He has about a hundred recordia too. Can You empty the tanks and ship them back for the Feb meeting?:thumbs::thumbs::thumbs::thumbs::thumbs::thumbs:
How much is the Scoly in the very bottom left of the pic with all the scolys in it. Looks like a crazy warpaint