acans under pc's


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ok so im gonna be setting up another tank and i want mostly lps and question is will the acans be ok. i have tried to search sites like live aqauria and all it says is moderate light .....its gonna be 2 24 watt pc one 10k bulb and one actinic
what size tank? I'm in the middle of setting up a zoa/ acan tank right now.
You should be good I have seen alot of those tanks with acans. You could always do a 70w halide in the hood if you want more light.
yeah i know i have to feed and i was also having a little dirtier tank with no skimmer im going to use carbon and purigen like i did when i had the 12 gal aquapod ......i was thinking on changing the lights to on 50/50 460 nm 420nm actininc and a 50/50 10k 460 nm actinic that way i get all the colors popping :)
You could use one dual 10kk and one 10kk/actinic. You loose a little of the actinic effect but pick up more par.
Acans prefer low light so the pcs will be fine. Keep the water clean, and thus keep the algae down. I don't think they gain anything from having dirty water.