Acroholic's Algae Turf Filter Build

Here is an overall shot of the finished ATF with one 96 watt Coralife 6700K Quad tube light over it. I built a black frame that holds two of these fixtures if I decide to go with more light, but in the interest of electricity I'll try to keep it at one light for now.
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So how does this compare to a fuge set up to tumble chaeto? Is it supposed to be better, or just a different way to accomplish the same thing. Will pods be in the algae too?
au01st;471902 wrote: So how does this compare to a fuge set up to tumble chaeto? Is it supposed to be better, or just a different way to accomplish the same thing. Will pods be in the algae too?

The turf filter mat is supposed to eventually get colonized by turf algae, which are supposed to be the most efficient at taking up excess nutrients. The idea being the turf algae will outcompete the other types, and effectively move algae production from the DT to the Turf Filter. You alternately harvest the grown algae from the mats on a weekly basis.
toeside;473178 wrote: +1 tag along... 5 star vote on thread :up:

Thanks. I just hope it works out into something that is beneficial!!

I'll have an updated shot of the mats tonight. They are nice a dark brown now. I have also redone the PVC AGAIN!

One error I made when I built the PVC that holds the mats and distributes the water over them is I used too narrow a PVC pipe. I have not been taking advantage of the flow capabilities of the Mag 12 as much as I should.

I started with 1/2" PVC, then went to 3/4" PVC, and I have just redone the algae mat holder PVC assembly with 1" PVC. I have gotten significantly more flow each time. The Mag 12 only has 3/4" ID inlet and outlet, and I always thought you didn't need anything wider than that,
but the Mag 12 instructions say to upsize the output to 1 1/2" PVC for maximum flow. Now, that thickness of pipe or tubing is hard to work with at best. 1" tubing is really stiff as it is, so I don't think I'll go any wider than 1".
Acroholic;466738 wrote: I'm trying to decide what type of lighting to use. I may try a Coralife 96 watt 6700K Quad Tube CF I have first. I would think it would be fine for this application. It will be no more than 12 inches from any area of the algae mats. My goal with lighting is to provide enough, but not overkill.

On">his FAQ page</a>, the guy at suggests bulbs in the 2700-3000K color range:

[I]"Experience has shown that at least a 23 Watt Compact Fluorescent (CFL) floodlight, of the 2700K or 3000K color, works best..."</em>

He goes further to say that one 23W is a bare minimum and that the color of the lighting should be 6500K or less.
toeside;473974 wrote: On">his FAQ page</a>, the guy at suggests bulbs in the 2700-3000K color range:

[I]"Experience has shown that at least a 23 Watt Compact Fluorescent (CFL) floodlight, of the 2700K or 3000K color, works best..."</em>

He goes further to say that one 23W is a bare minimum and that the color of the lighting should be 6500K or less.[/QUOTE]

I read that, but have a hard time believeing the part about the 2700-3000K part, as Sunlight is 5500K. Coming into Reefing after keeping high tech planted tanks for 10 years, the best bulbs for plants are 5500-6700K.

I mean, where in nature do plants ever get 2700-3000K? Nowhere.
Picture time and algae mat cleaning time. Here are some pics of the water distribution pipework redone with 1" PVC. Flow is fantastic now. Mats have been up and runnign for over a week now, and the important thing about ATFs is to clean the mats once a week NO MATTER WHAT, so I think I need to make one day a week ATF maintenance day, like Sunday night or something.

First 3 pics are the ATF assemply, and a couple pics of the mats, now grown dark with brown algae. After a few weeks they should get colonized by hair algae. I hope they get followed by turf algae. I have read that turf algae needs a surge type system to grow, and also that this has not been proven, but time will tell.

Last pic is of the mats post-cleaning. You are supposed to scrape them in fresh water. I used RODI for this. The freshwater kills any pods on the mats. I am using a plastic putty knife to scrape the mats. I am also, at least for a few times, using the hole saw minus the drill to rough up the mats a bit more. The rougher the better.
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blu_devl_06;474048 wrote: I have a question Dave. Why kill the pods? On another note, I must say I can no longer donate hair algae....mine disappeared!:up:

I really don't know why. I would think to use saltwater, but the directions were specific about using freshwater, adn that you wanted to kill the pods. Wait....I remember...the pods eat the algae, and you want the algae to grow, not be food for the pods.

Oh and congrats on the disppearance of your hair algae.:D
The pods will be in the algae. When you tear off tufts sift through it and I will bet you will find some fatties. They were everywhere in what I used to rip out of my overflows. Can't be bad I promise. It would take more than an army to clean a scrubber off to the point of being innefficient
Smoothie;474054 wrote: The pods will be in the algae. When you tear off tufts sift through it and I will bet you will find some fatties. They were everywhere in what I used to rip out of my overflows. Can't be bad I promise. It would take more than an army to clean a scrubber off to the point of being innefficient

I'm not really sure how much of an issue pods would even be on a hanging or angled mat like mine? I'd think there'd be more on a horizontal type ATF mat.
Acroholic;474055 wrote: I'm not really sure how much of an issue pods would even be on a hanging or angled mat like mine? I'd think there'd be more on a horizontal type ATF mat.
Mine do fine breeding on the inside of the overflow box. I have found them as big as a smiley:D in there
toeside;474279 wrote: Looks good so far! :thumbs:

Thanks. I just looked at the cleaned mats and I can see some green on them. Before I cleaned they just looked brown. Perhaps the beginning of some green hair algae.
Acroholic;473998 wrote: I read that, but have a hard time believing the 2700-3000K part, as Sunlight is 5500K. Coming into Reefing after keeping high tech planted tanks for 10 years, the best bulbs for plants are 5500-6700K.

I never that knew sunlight is 5500K... good to know. Yeah, read some more tonight, and the same guy is actually using 5100K CF floods in his own setup.