For a normally shaped tank, I would go with glass, hands down. The advantages of Acrylic are, as you pointed out, ease of use and also amazing clarity. Also, acrylic is not as rigid and can withstand a blow much better than glass. But if you expect your tank to recieve such a blow, chances are you have other problems...
By planning ahead and getting all your holes drilled that you will ever need before setting up your tank, the ease-of-use argument for acrylic is overcome. And when you take into consideration the inevitable hairline (and deeper) scratches that acrylic will amass over time, going with crystal-clear low-iron glass you are much better off in my opinion.
One other argument can be made for glass over acrylic is that acrylic needs to be supported across its entire span, whereas glass only needs support along the edges.
That being said, I have an acrylic tank and I love it! But it's an odd shape with bent corners (another acrylic nicety). But it's only 6 months old and despite the care I take in cleaning it and protecting it, there are still scratches already, and if I had to do it over again, it would be a low-iron glass tank for me.