New tank time!

So, if I'm understanding this correct, you're trying to bring back the old school nitrate factory by having more air exposure on your media to avoid dosing nitrates? I feel like that just brings back the old problem with the wet/dry filter and hence why its not used anymore. However, I guess now days, we have more corals that are consuming nitrates, so it will be interesting how your test works out.

Well stated and you are correct!
PAR update!

A huge thanks to Steve Burton from coming by this past Sunday with the club PAR meter.

As suspected, huge PAR numbers about 8-10 down, 600 to 650. About 350 to 400 6" down the back side of the tank (this is where I'll have a frag rack across the back of the tank to hold 50 frags).

The real surprise what when we measured the Par coming off the bottom of the tank, about 4-5" off the bottom of the tank. PAR was just shy of 100 up to 150 in more clear areas (less rock around to obstruct light). Tanks bottom was not crystal clear, it had about 2.5 months of film on. the glass.

I'm really happy with the results, about as good as I hoped for.
Is this to be your grow out tank or a main? modified 60G, that looks really nice and big!
Cool. I'm excited to see how this plays out cause you might be onto something. Those of us that run full reef tanks are always battling bottomed out nitrates.

So far just over 2 months in and nitrates are steady at 10 ppm, no dosing so it’s working so far!