adding to tank help me please


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ok its a 30 gal. FOWLR

So far I have this stuff.

some hermits and snails

3 large red foot snails i believe
2 peppermint shrimp
1 green chromis
1 bar goby
1 firefish

i was looking to get an arrow crab today (the ones that look like a grandaddy long leg haha) what do u guys think of this?

what else can i add that is a fun critter and will entertain me? I REALLY WANT SOME TYPE OF CRAB OR STARFISH
i would be careful with an arrow crab, i've heard that they will eat any fish that they can catch.
see i was told that the serpant star would eat any fish and that all the arrow crab would do is eat left over food and bristle worms, said i wouldnt have to worry about any fish getting eaten?

dont know what to believe
i would try to look around on the web and see what you find. is an excellent site for this type of research.
I have also heard that arrow crabs will catch any fish they can. Best stay away.
if you want a starfish i would get a sand sifting starfish they are good at keeping your sand bed clean i just got one at cap bay not to long ago for 20
i would not add that to a 30g tank. i would go larger or it will starve to death.