Thank you so much!
I have actually had a very kind offer from a member here to do just that. I am very grateful as this has been a bit stressful for me. I dont want to kill anything with my lack of knowledge. Also, I just dont have much space in my home for extra tanks and such while I go thru this transistion. One of my sons is in a wheel chair and we have to have room to manuver his chair in all the rooms. Plus a zillion toys everywhere from all the children. I caught my three year old trying to fish in the new 20L(its still empty but chould crack if banged) with her lego tow rope, the one with the hook on the end. Oi! I know it will all work out and be fine. I am excited about starting up another tank from scratch again though, with a different style and corals, so I'm focusing on that.