Advice/Guidance on Canister Filters for those who go sumpless


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<span style="font-family: Book Antiqua;"><span style="font-size: 13px;">Hello fellow reefers. Hope everyone's surviving Monday.

Looking for some guidance, insight, advice, etc. on getting a canister filter for my 10 gallon nano that will give me the best bang for my buck. My DIY filter has hit a dead end and need something to use for a while until I can tweak my design and work on it some more.

Anyone have any recommendations on canisters? Anyone have any decent canisters for sale?

I would think a good HOB skimmer would be a better choice. Just my thought.
haha. I have a simple HOB filter already. I guess I could save myself a lot of dough by just pouring a bunch of matrix in the well and leaving it alone.
Eheim canister filters are bulletproof. But in a reef tank, outside of the heater/UV modules you were designing, I would look into chemical/bio media only for a canister setup. Basically something you would not have to open the filter up for very often, maybe carbon or matrix like was suggested. Canister setups work, but are not the most fun things to have to service, so IME longer service intervals are the best for them.

In a FW setup you are looking at a 3 month service interval for a canister. In a SW setup with carbon maybe once monthly, and much longer for a Matrix filled canister.
Acroholic;972587 wrote: Eheim canister filters are bulletproof.

I agree. I am running one on mine. I will be using a sump on my next tank a 180. I am running a canister filter along with a hob on my 120. My son is running a fluval 5 on his 150 fish only. Bit time consuming on cleaning but never had a problem with either tank. So either brand canister is what i would recommend. Just smaller.
hmm.. ok.

I appreciate it, guys. Thanks. I plan on purchasing one I'd only have to crack open once every month or month in a half at best. I was looking at something in the 40-75 gallon recommended range. That should give me plenty of water turnover and push a LOT of water through the media.

I've finally got my water parameters under control so, it feels good to now have to only worry about filters and lights and the fun things..
I got a Marineland C160 at petsmart perimeter for $20.
Call them and ask when they'll mark them down again.
An Eheim 2213 Canister would work very well for you. The Eheim is at the upper end of the quality (and price) range, but can last 20 years. Not sure of other brands."></a>

any thoughts or opinions on this?"></a>

thinking about getting this and filling it mostly with Seachem Matrix and leaving it alone. Might take one tray to mix carbon and phoszorb.
I am not familiar with that brand, Aquatop, but at the price it is not too big a gamble. The Eheim 2213 Classic with media included is $77 and change right now at the same website, but is not HOB like the one you are looking at.

Some reefers use canisters when they are new in the hobby, but eventually go to large volume tanks and end up with separate media reactors. Might be good to keep costs down on a HOB canister, because if you follow the usual path and end up with a 90-210 gallon range size tank, you might find it unused on a shelf in a couple years.

Upgrading tanks is a part of the addiction!:D
Acroholic;972941 wrote: I am not familiar with that brand, Aquatop, but at the price it is not too big a gamble. The Eheim 2213 Classic with media included is $77 and change right now at the same website, but is not HOB like the one you are looking at.

Some reefers use canisters when they are new in the hobby, but eventually go to large volume tanks and end up with separate media reactors. Might be good to keep costs down on a HOB canister, because if you follow the usual path and end up with a 90-210 gallon range size tank, you might find it unused on a shelf in a couple years.

Upgrading tanks is a part of the addiction!:D

yeah... I've set the timeline on the 10 gallon nano to expire when I either get a sizeable raise, win the lottery and don't have to work, finish law school or run out of room for corals.

I'm guessing the corals will come first.

the next step will be a 40 gallon breeder. Right now, it's more about space. I have to make the most of the space I'm working with, so maximum filtration and flow options in a tight space.. I would have to agree. I'm totally willing to get something that will do the job for the next 6 months or so until I move up.

I'm seeing good reviews on the product. Might be worth a shot. Comes with a 6 month warranty and I can get the media I want all in the same shipment as well.. I'll think about it and let you guys know if I pull the trigger.
Acroholic;972941 wrote: I am not familiar with that brand, Aquatop, but at the price it is not too big a gamble. The Eheim 2213 Classic with media included is $77 and change right now at the same website, but is not HOB like the one you are looking at.

Some reefers use canisters when they are new in the hobby, but eventually go to large volume tanks and end up with separate media reactors. Might be good to keep costs down on a HOB canister, because if you follow the usual path and end up with a 90-210 gallon range size tank, you might find it unused on a shelf in a couple years.

Upgrading tanks is a part of the addiction!:D

Unused on a shelf? I just set up more small tanks with random equipment that didn't make the cut!

It would also work for necessities later on, consider any equipment that you won't be carrying over to your next tank for quarantine, frag, holding, etc.
OceanDeep85;972931 wrote:"></a>

any thoughts or opinions on this?[/QUOTE]

Isn't this basically a hob filter that is sealed shut lol....
JDavid;973105 wrote: Unused on a shelf? I just set up more small tanks with random equipment that didn't make the cut!

It would also work for necessities later on, consider any equipment that you won't be carrying over to your next tank for quarantine, frag, holding, etc.

I think it really depends on what tank sizes you are used to dealing with. My smallest aquarium is 100 gallons, and I have easier ways to do chemical filtration, etc, I stopped using canisters years ago, but everyone is different.

I agree it might be usable for QT, but I do not QT my fish. Don't have the desire to do it. I also don't set up tank after tank anymore, either. I had a 300 gallon reef, a 150 gallon reef, a 100 gallon reef, and a 265 gallon freshwater tank going all at once, and it was too much maintenance along with life's other obligations, and they all suffered for it. So I decided to simplify my aquarium situation, and I and my reefs are the better for it.
JC_k;973145 wrote: Isn't this basically a hob filter that is sealed shut lol....

Well, to a degree I suppose.. but aren't they all? At least with this, it will move more volume than a typical HOB filter and I'd have to believe it will filter more efficiently given that the water column will be forced to move through the different trays. Plus, for about the same price as some other HOB filters, why not get one that seals shut with media trays? ;)

Maybe I'll post a WTB for a canister.