AF Poly Glue


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<p style="text-align: right;">This stuff is awesome! I’ve used all types of Reef bonding  epoxies and cements and this stuff rocks (pardon the pun).  It creates no mess and easy to use. Just put a water kettle on before you start.  Pour hot water over the beads and they melt into a clear gelatinous  goo that’s actually sticky. As it cools it hardens and turns to a hard white plastic. The white plastic finished product isn’t terribly appealing on live rock but as fast as coraline grows on plastic it would probably be covered in a few months time. It’s also much cheaper than a few alternatives, has a long shelf life, NO MESS and can even be reused just reheat it in hot water.
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I've heard of a few people using it and it sounds like a great product. How well does it preform when the rock is wet, will it still adhere?
The rocks I stuck together were slightly damp.

This is really a low melting point polymer plastic which is gooey and clear when heated up but solidifies back to hard plastic slowly at room temp, and very quickly when colder.

I might would attempt to use it in the tank under water, but seriously like 30 seconds max working time in that instance, but would still be useful if during a water change you wanted to mount a coral above the waterline on a high rock. Working time would still be limited because it will solidify when it hits the cold rock.

Its what I’ll use when mounting a montipora when the time comes. I’d highly recommend this For fitting together rock out of the tank wet or dry. Like any other glue, you need to press it in to holes and crevices