new to the ARC

haha well i live in clarkesville but youre still not the only reefer in the area i have a friend that lives in commerce that is a reefer too lol well have to get together sometime and talk reef and maybe swap some frags
hey wannabeeareefer heres those pics you asked for of how its plumbed
i run a cpr overflow box that runs to a hose and through a hole in the stand down through a filter sock into the sump where i have my heater and reactor pump and then back up through another hole in the stand up through a rena xp outlet pipe with the nozzle atttachment i had to turn my radion off to get decent pics lol
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and heres a video i just took a few mins ago to give you guys a better idea of what the tank looks like right now since the pictures i posted are a couple months old">a61341d3.mp4 video by brijesh0789 - Photobucket</a>

Edit: heres a slightly better video since the other one looks so tiny since its vertical
[IMG]">836c28ee.mp4 video by brijesh0789 - Photobucket</a>

I appreciate you taking the time to take and upload your photos for your aquarium plumbing. I thought I always had to go big on aquarium space, but you have shown me that you can establish a well rounded reef aquarium in a "picoreef" aquarium.

Again, Great reef aquarium!!! :fish::fish::up::yay::thumbs:
no problem sorry it took so long and thanks man but thats nowhere near pico lol i have a 1 gallon sitting next to my bed now thats pico lol