Affect of light on bubble tips


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do you guys think the difference in light affects the bubbles on bubble tips? these two pictures are from my tank the first one was taken in june under 250W metal halides the second one is taken under led lights yesterday specifically the ocean revive t247bs i just upgraded too or downgraded however you see it lol the appearance looks much fuller and more bubbly under the led lights IMG_20200623_112228.jpgIMG_20200921_122835.jpg
There's a lot of anecdotal evidence on lights and bubble tips bubbling, but in my experience, bubble tips are gonna do what bubble tips are gonna do. Sometimes mine are bubbly. Most times they're not. I wish there was definitive evidence, and if there is, someone please link it. LOL
Those things are full blown WHACK and do whatever they want. When they want. How they want. No matter what you want.
I’ve read about water flow and PAR affecting certain types of BTA different than others. Just experiment and see what your nem likes.