Again...Cycling Tank Help...


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Ok here is everything I can currently test for.

Test Results:

1. Specific Gravity: 1.025
2. Ammonia: 1.0
3. Nitrate n02: 5.0 dark purple
4. Nitrate no3: 10 pee yellow
5. Ph: 8.4

Tank has been cycling for a week and a half, there is also coffe brown algea growth on the sandbed. I also used r/o water with 5ppm to fill all 250 gallons.

In my other thread there was an ongoing argument that overshadowed my original questions. I was A: recommended to place some starter fish in the tank to start a cycle & B: recommended to place to dead shrimp from the store to start a cycle. Being the beginner I am I did both.

Now, the tests listed above are the results with the 2 green chromis and 2 dead shrimp in a 250 gallon setup. Again the tank is about a week and a half into its cycle. What needs to take place in order to get back on track.
I cycled mine a while back(I used raw shrimp).First your ammonia goes high I tested every day. then your nitrites begin to rise and you ammonia begins to go down, and eventually the nitrites go down and nitrates rise. after a month and some ammonia 0ppm Nitrite 0ppm and Nitrate less than 5ppm it takes time I tested almost every day. Takes some time I had good live rock and sand. Lots of thing growing on the rock now.6 weeks
Just sharing my personal experience new guy to new guy. I now have a cleaning crew and a few fish.Hope i helped. As for your other water parameters I am trying to figure that out also.
Take the shrimp out..No need for it to keep decomposing in the water...Will make things longer.
Next, take the fish out and back to the store...No more need for them to cycle the tank.
Ammonia will burn the gills and other types of damage...
Then open some beers and just wait,
When I cycled my current tank it took around 8 weeks, but one before only took 2 weeks...
please take either the fish out or the shrimp to cycle your tank!