AI 16 Prime HD resetting date/time


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I have 2 AI 16 Prime HD’s on the exact same schedule (minus their ramp on/off times being slightly different), one is in my living room and the other in my bedroom. The one in my bedroom has started randomly resetting the date/time. Tonight it was set to Dec 31 1969. I’ve come home to the light not on and it having changed to a date in 2034. I have no idea what keeps resetting the date/time but it’s starting to mess with the corals in that tank. Any else have this happen? Or know what could be causing it or how to fix it? I reached out to AI just now, but I’m assuming it will be a bit before hearing back from themz


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Ecotech sucks. Radions does that randomly at times too. 3 of my lights on the string was on all night one weekend. I only noticed due to the power draw
A quicker response than anticipated from AI, but not really a great answer. It’s happening almost daily at this point that my light settings are being reset. I checked first thing this morning and it was Jan1, 1970 for just that tank and not the one in my living room. I guess this is the next step to see if it solves the issue. Pretty silly if I can’t have 2 AI products on the same “tank” without there being issues.


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Not even 3 hours after resetting everything and verifying settings, and I’m back to Dec 31, 1969.


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AI app. And it’s only the tank in my bedroom doing it. The one in my living room is fine. I just checked again, and I went from 1969 this morning, to 2069. Apparently I can time travel 100 years in a matter of hours, and be completely unaware of it.


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Resetting both the 16 Prime HD and the Nero 3, along with verifying them, didn’t fix the issue. I had to reset the Nero 3 following directions in an email, remove it from the tank that has the 16 Prime HD, then set it up on its own “tank”, and this seems to have solved the issue for now. Pretty silly 2 products from the same company can’t work together in said company’s app.