Alert: Sunscreen Dangerous to Corals


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Looks like the sunscreen that most of us put on in the summer somehow activates viruses in the symbiotic algae in coral.

Here's the article:"></a>

Apparently the effect is not dose-dependent, so just a little bit can start the viruses replicating and completely bleach the coral in just 4 days.

I know all of us are very careful to wash our hands or use gloves in the aquarium, but this is something extra to think about as the summer comes up -- you could be out in the sun and then come back and do some 'emergency maintenance' in the tank and never figure out why your corals bleached.

From the good side, researchers are trying to figure out how to use the natural sunscreens in coral to create new coral-safe sunscreen for humans.
thats crazy......although now I have a good excuse to tell me wife when she gets mad at me for not using sunscreen......
Diving in some areas in mexico you can only use a certain type of sun screen