Coral Research at Georgia Tech


Thank you to everyone who responded to our post. We've received lots of offers and advice from members, and we have all our equipment to start our nano tank. In the next week, we will begin setting up our tank, and in the next month, we will begin introducing our corals into the water. If you're interested in project updates, I'll make new posts over the next couple months for updates. Hopefully, we make big strides in our understanding of the microbial relationships of corals and their impact on the progression of SCTLD.

If you’re setting up you tank in the next week, I’d recommend waiting to add corals for at least a month of cycling and making sure you have the right parameters. Especially if you are starting from scratch with dry rock which I would assume you would be to set controls within the study. Using established rock could affect results such as before you received it, it had been in a tank that used chemicals before.
If you’re setting up you tank in the next week, I’d recommend waiting to add corals for at least a month of cycling and making sure you have the right parameters. Especially if you are starting from scratch with dry rock which I would assume you would be to set controls within the study. Using established rock could affect results such as before you received it, it had been in a tank that used chemicals before.
+1 on that. And then use more basic corals to test the aquarium like Xenia and Clove polyps just to make sure there’s nothing going on in the aquarium you don’t know about. Wouldn’t want to lose any of those Floridian SPS.