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I started a new 65 gal tank first of Feb. Its not as easy as I thought. I had a early algae bloom which I thought I took care of. As it turns out, it was probably my Kohl that was eating it. Well, my tank got something (Brooklynella??) and nearly all my fish died. Another green algae bloom. I'm using Phosban in a media bag. Algea is now brown but I'm still seeing bubbles form in the tank (that despite two wave pumps). I assume the algae turned brown because I cut off the food. Corals still look good. Anyone have any thoughts on how to remove the algae and why I am still seeing bubbles form? I'm thinking of a reactor (TLF 150).
What do the water tests say? Ph, salinity, nitrates, ammonia, phosphates? How often do you change water?
Alkalinity is 8.4, no ammonia, no nitrates or nitrites, salinity is 1.024, ph 8.2-8.4, CA is 430-450, temp 76-76.5.
I've been doing 10 gal changes weekly. At first, I was doing 5 gal weekly with 10 every 3rd change. Lately I have been doing 10 gallons /week.
Water changes sound good. I'd rather you tell me your Nitrates were not 0. What tests are you using? There has to be a nutrient source for the algae to grow. Unlikely that Nitrates are 0. Phosphates?
For CA and Alkalinity, I'm using Red Sea. Other tests are API tests. I've been surprised at the readings actually. The PH is also API and it does not register. I chalked that up to either a) the lack of sensitivity on the test (it's "first" scale is quite high), b) the Phosphate is being absorbed by the Phosguard, or c) the phosphates are locked into the existing algae. What's surprising to me is that the green hair algae turned brown. I'm not sure if it is dying, or if the brown hair is replacing the green hair algae. Either way, I'm still seeing bubbles form.
Are the bubbles forming on the algae? If so, it's the algae releasing oxygen.
As for removal, use a toothbrush and scrub the crap out of it, siphoning it out as you go. This along with regular water changes and good nutrient removal will get it gone.
What's your setup like? Running a skimmer/sump? HOB stuff? Fuge? Are you using RODI or getting water from a LFS? If it was just set up in February then it could just be going through the cycle still. You could try some purigen which has helped me but also time will help. I had a bad GHA in my tank for the first 3 months of it being setup. Now there is very little algae and my turbo snails and kole tang take care of it. Test for phosphates as well. You may want to run GFO. You could cut back on your light schedule too.
I took a tooth brush to it tonight along with a 10 gal change. I'm using RD and a sump with an eshopps skimmer. The sump is rated for 120 gal ( I think) and the skimmer for 75. It's the biggest I could get in the space I have. The rock was a mix of live rock and cultured. I not sure of the type. Interesting thought on phosphates leaching from there. Hopefully the tank will look better tomorrow. It is amazing how much scrubbing it takes to get rid of the algae. I am considering a repeat on Saturday. Guess there's no such thing as to many water changes.

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