It took my aquarium about eight months of various ugly stages to stabilize. It just takes time. I feed a lot of Nori, and that causes the Brown Algal film on my aquarium glass. Some in our hobby say it takes a year or two for a tank to really stabilize. I’m an 18 months right now, and the management is so much easier today. My coral have grown enough to actually have a little bit of warfare, which is a learning curve.
It’s a little bit of a trick to balance, calcium, magnesium, alkalinity and pH.
Take everything slowly. I added a small UV sterilizer as an insurance policy against ugly films. and carbon dioxide scrubber in front of my protein skimmer - in my case, this really increased the pH.
It’s a fascinating discovery of trial and error to see which coral and fish thrive with the water chemistry and the adjoining in habitants. A lot of fun.
As your coral and fish continue to grow, the water, chemistry issues well change, perhaps requiring modest future modifications to your operating systems.