Alkalinity FUBAR


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So I was doing some checking on the tank parameters last night and noticed that my alkalinity was getting low or was low. So i had already prepared some two part alkalinity and dosed the tank. Alkalinity had gotten down to 6.5 and i was going to raise it to 9.0.

First mistake didn't read entire instructions
Second mistake assumed i knew what to do.

Results: raised Alkalinity to 12.5 in a matter of 10 minutes and then tank turned cloudy in like 5 minutes. I immediatley went to forum and read a couple posts. Plan is to do 2 water changes. First water change today and second one on friday. I'm doing a 35 gallon water change cause that's the size of the brute container and that's what i've been doing. Any other suggestions ? Hopefully this will be my only accident that ive create. This is a fairly new tank going on three months now.

I think that the water changes are your best bet. How big is your tank and have you noticed any of your fish having any difficulties?
150 gallons with a 30 gallon sump, everyone appears fine and doing well, although i have know idea how this really effects the fish for the short term.
Sorry to hear that. But, we all make mistakes. Especially me. :). Since you drove up you Alk so high and you precipitated some out you might keep an eye on calcium. Generally if you spike one the other drops a bit as a result.
Here you go..."></a>

I only lost one fish and one coral.
Thanks everyone,

When i initially dosed the system it only got cloudy for a second, I guess as the dose mixed and it reaches saturation it is then when it get's cloudy. This morning their was a white residue on the glass but water was clear. I'm currently in the middle of water change. I'll get back when it's done and i can get a new reading

just finished 32 gallon water change, Alkalinity back down to 7.9. I can't believe one water change made that big a dent. I should of checked it before the water change. Now what is the residue. Is that free form of the two part and as i clean it it dissappears, i'll have to re-check to see if that does anything and then check calcium and magnesium. In the mean time i did some research about what happens to the fish. So far i found out that sudden changes in alkalinity interfere with the fishes swim bladder. They begin having difficulty maneuvering around. This also stresses the fish which makes them acceptable to disease. In addition when alkalinity is elevated it effects how ammonia is broken down and becomes even more poisonous, now this last point i could only find referring to fresh water not saltwater so i'm not 100%.
The cloudiness isn't what I would be worried about - that's most likely some sort of precipitate coming out of the water. I'd be more concerned about the pH jump. I usually get a .1-.3 jump in pH from moving alk even a little (like 8.5 -&gt; 9). Depending on which type of 2 part you used, that may or may not have happened.

it looks like you may be through it though as both issues weren't elevated for very long. Good luck!
The residue is the result from reaching a saturation point in your aquarium. There is a fixed ratio of Alk and Calcium allowed in an enclosed system. Once you exceed the maximum amount allowed you will precipitate out the excess.

Once you have everything stabilized you will probably want to clean your equipment like power heads ect. The residue can wear out equipment prematurely.

Just a note as well. Be careful about dropping your levels too quickly. Slow going up or down is always best. BRS recommends that you increase or decrease no more than (24 hrs): Alk 1.4dKH, Cal 50ppm and Mag 100ppm.