Am I Crazy....

Hey Grant

Came across this site and I think it's kinda cool, just make sure to switch it over to English..."></a>

oh and think about using some sort of carbon source, like compressed CO2 ( I've heard of using yeast and sugar in a fermentation set up- but I only do that for home brewing). It does make a difference.
Sewer Urchin;995752 wrote: Hey Grant

Came across this site and I think it's kinda cool, just make sure to switch it over to English..."></a>

oh and think about using some sort of carbon source, like compressed CO2 ( I've heard of using yeast and sugar in a fermentation set up- but I only do that for home brewing). It does make a difference.[/QUOTE]
the yeast and sugar method is only applicable for smaller setup.
the yeast and sugar method is only applicable for smaller setup.

You're right, although 10 gallons of beer will put out a lot of CO2 ;-)

A CO2 tank, regulator with solenoid (similar to a Calcium reactor set up) and a good diffuser is a lot easier to use. I may have some spare stuff laying around if you want to try
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Just finished setting this guy up last night. While she's not pretty yet one I get the sides and canopy done you won't see a thing. The stand was custom built about 13 years ago when I was in high school but I still know a thing or two... I hope.
She's a 120 with Java ferns and amazon swords, currently there is 2 pregnant guppies, 8 other females and 3 males, 6 angels, and various types of snails. I am hoping to start breeding these angels soon. They so georgious.
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