American Marine USA


Well-Known Member
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Dacula, GA
Does anyone here have any experience with this company or their monitors? I saw an ad in a magazine and looked up the website and they have pH, ORP, O2 pretty much everything and the prices seem fairly reasonable. Was just wondering if anyone here knows anything about them?
Love them - their salinity monitor is what I use 99% of the time. I've gone through 2 Milwaukees - both were horrible - and of course I have my refractometer for double checking once in a while.

It's quick, easy, holds calibration for a long time and removes the human error part of testing / checking for the most part. Batteries last a long time.

Like anything - they are not perfect. I've experienced interference due to a cheap DC pump throwing the monitor off a little - since it's just salinity I make sure to measure when any pumps and heaters are turned off.

I actually have ordered their PH monitor to use in DIY ALK testing - should arrive today.
Thanks Leo!! I’m thinking I may sell the Apex and buy some of these. Not that the Apex is bad, I know tons of reefers use and love them I’m just thinking we may want to try something else.
these only work when you are standing in front of them to look directly at it - I would not consider these to be a comparable replacement to a controller.

More accurate and reliable in most instances. (IMO)? - yes.