An algae request

Thought I'd post an update for anyone who might be interested in what's going on with the slugs (if you're not interested, feel free to stop reading now :-)

I got a test batch of 6 slugs, which given some reports I'd heard about how hard they are to keep I was nervous would soon be a half-dozen dead slugs very quickly, but a month later they seem quite at home. Turns out the slugs I ordered were not Elysia crispata, but the sister species E. clarkii. However, this closely related group has about the same holding requirements and life history, so we're still in business! Certainly they have the same feeding preferences, as they are happily chowing down on the Bryopsis I was given. In fact, they're eating it faster than I can seem to grow it, so if you or anyone you know has a tank suffering from hair algae, consider it a standing offer that I'll come pick it up and take it away.

I have two UWG students working with me over the summer - one is focused on maintaining the various algae we obtained and monitoring water quality (don't you wish you had someone to do your WQA for you too?); the other is setting up a special tank optimized for breeding, which we nicknamed the "love suite". Our goal is to not only maintain the slugs we have, but get a couple dozen more and have juveniles after the summer breeding season. Wish us luck, and remember to keep me in mind if you have some hair algae you need taken off of your hands (just send me a pm).

p.s. I was going to post some pictures, but I can't manage to take a decent one (there's a reason I did not go into art) and my research tanks are a lot uglier than the great reef aquaria you all are used to anyway. . .
Still following this thread. Start to loving it already because I love experiments and research hehehe!

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This is either an awful, graphic horror show, or a thing of beauty. In my opinion it's the latter, but most of you will probably disagree with me. ;-)" alt="" />

Note: this is not where my slugs live, I feed them by transferring algae to their tanks twice a week.
Trying again
See, this is why I don't do pictures. Maybe this will work, otherwise I give up (sorry)
966045=54777-Bryopsis tank.jpg
966045=54777-Bryopsis tank.jpg
class="gc-images" title="Bryopsis tank.jpg[/IMG] style="max-width:400px" /></a>
Here's one of the breeding tanks; you can see a couple Elysia clarki </em>crawling on the plants.
966222=54778-breeding control.jpg
966222=54778-breeding control.jpg
class="gc-images" title="breeding control.jpg[/IMG] style="max-width:400px" /></a>
This is the control tank, with fake plants that mimic the macroalgae they typically are associated with. I transfer Bryopsis from the algae tank I posted earlier into the animal tanks twice a week. I thought I had a picture of them feeding, but I can't seem to find it right now.
No eggs yet, but we have seen a fair amount of breeding behavior, so we're hopeful :-)

I have 4 of these types of tanks on a sequential recirculating loop. Temperature and water quality are controlled in the sump so I can mess with the aquaria where the slugs are as little as possible:
966222=54779-aquaria setup.jpg
966222=54779-aquaria setup.jpg
class="gc-images" title="aquaria setup.jpg[/IMG] style="max-width:400px" /></a>

As I said earlier, not nearly as pretty as what most of you guys have going on, but it works for me!
Thanks a lot looks really interesting!!
I wish I have time, knowledge and skills for a proyect like that!