and I dive in head first.


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Ok. So I got a small 3 stripe damsel. They are beautiful to me with the bold black and white stripes. I only want one in the tank tho. I got a fire goby. He is georgious. I got him for 5 bucks because they had it for over 6 months. I also got 2 blue leg hermit crabs and 2 red hermit crabs. I also added a bottle of stability by seachem. Just as an extra precaution. Can't be too careful right? I figured this is a good place to start. Wait a few weeks then add 3 bangi cardinals, 2 turbo snails and an emerald crab. Then wait a few more weeks and I want a purple fire goby, and a few clowns. Not sure what type though. Any suggestions. If There is anything wrong with this list please let me know. And what else can I add? My partner want either very bright color or something elaborately pretty. (Hence the bangi cardinals) also during this time I will be starting with mushroom coral, candy stripe coral, zoas, and possibly some pulsating xenia. Those strike me as pretty and are a good base for me to start and get the hang of keeping corals before I add more exotic specimen. Which one of my lfs has a tank full or beautiful corals so I got a kid in the candy store glassy eye sensation while looking into the tank. But the coral of course was extremely overpriced and didn't appear to be in the best health. But it gave me a idea of what I can look forward to.
Don't know how big you tank is but get a foxface... I love my fish. They have a big personality to.
I didn't see any glaring issues with your choices but the best thing to do is to take it slow. Which store did you go to?
I do admit... Damsels aren't very nice once they get settled in.
That's why I only got one. And I read in a book that the three stripe was the less aggressive of the damsels. To me he's beautiful. I got the damsel from rats n snakes and the goby from noahs ark. They are the ones who had the coral that looked bad.
it only takes one to ruin everyone else you put in. he should have been the last if you wanted a damsel. they are jerks..big time
Just wanted to pass along a great piece of advice always put your fish in quarantine tank 4-6 weeks before you place in your main tank. 1 sick fish with ich ,velvet, brooknella , etc and your whole 130 tank gets it.
I am guilty when I started years ago of not putting my new fish in quarantine. I learned real quick cheap fish, expensive fish it does not really matter but sick fish will infect your tank and kill a lot of your fish. In the QT tank you can watch them and make sure they eat and see if any white spots or flukes, etc . Then treat in the QT and you will have a lot more success and alot less stress watching your whole 130 gal tank die.
Stay safe and keep reading and learning this is a awesome hobby but we owe it to our fish and animals to give them the best chance to survive as possible.

PS I have a hughe blue damsel that I purchased along time ago . He didn't get along well with a could of my Hawaiian Flame wrasses so I moved him in a 34 gallon cube with a couple clown fish and a six line and he's fine.
The six line was acting up to so I guess this tank is my outcast tank . The damsel is really a beautiful fish he's couple years old now and he's bigger than my 3 year old clowns.
I think chromis fish are awesome....well better than damsels anyway. But go for whatever you want.
Hey Kourtney,

Welcome firstly.... Second I TOTALLY disagree with what ever you read about the 3 stripes.... I have 1 that is 4". He is a DEMON!!! I tore a tank totally down to catch him after he ate half a clown. Now he is in a 37 gallon with a breeding pair of Tomato Clowns. The female clown RUNS the show... Takes NO crap from the damsel. I would recommend you make a day trip up here one day soon. I think you would really love to see the quality of our fish stores!!!! Our sponsors have a great selection of fish and corals. The closest to you would be Blue Planet. They are on 75 at exit 218, Jodeco rd. Then you could head north of ATL and hit several on the NE side in a 10 mile radius. As far as clowns. Go with 2. Make sure you look at several choices, then get a pair. I have done a couple of pairs in the same size tank. It can work, but it didn't last.

This is just my $.02
Thanks. I will see about taking the damsel out. If he starts to get aggressive it's a short trip to my lfs and he is out. But for now he should be ok since I really don't have much else in the huge tank with him.
The problem with later will be catching him without tearing the entire tank apart. I always wanted a school of damsels but it's just never worked. I did keep a pink damsel once for about a year and that one was no issue. I've also had a domino with little issue. Sargent damsels (3 or 4 striped) have earned their name...they can become a little pushy.

Good luck!
Please read post #33 as an advise, don't be surprised in a few months and remember you were warned about the fishy history of damsel fish lol! :eek:"></a>

I personally like this guy setup

Good luck!
I plan on getting him out tomorrow. The tank can be rearranged now better rather than waiting till later. Other than this can anyone give me some more suggestions as to what I can add.
A pair of clowns are a very nice addition. They are very colorful and hardy fish. It's nice to watch their interaction with each other also. Blennys are also very cool fish with lots of personality. They will perch up on different rocks and watch you.
I_will_always_learn;934575 wrote: I think chromis fish are awesome....well better than damsels anyway. But go for whatever you want.

Chromis are damsels, and so are clownfish. They are all damsels.

I have a large blue chromis, but I don't have any issues with him. My saddleback grew up in a tank full of damsels and she is the boss lol.

I'm really sad that I have to get rid of her when I upgrade, because my snowflake clowns have been living in a ten gallon tank and they can't go together. She'd kill them.
You say you're doing research but I know you were warned about the damsel in another thread. If one or two people tell you something, take it lightly but research it. If many people tell you something and you do it anyway, well, you won't do very good at this extremely difficult hobby for long. Please don't get upset at my reply, I read your post where you felt people were being harsh or rude, but this hobby has enough difficulty figuring out the absolutes let alone the maybes. This entire club is here at your disposal, use it wisely.
Your fellow reefer,
Hey Kourtney, Lori at Macon Pets has had a nice looking Midas Blenny up there for a while...if she still has it, that'd be a nice addition in place of the 3-stripe.

If it's any consolation, I did the same thing when I first started...I bought three of the 3-stripe damsels because I was smitten with the way they looked, with the contrasting black and white stripes...very eye-catching! I was told by Butch not to do it because I'd soon regret it, but I disregarded his advise, only to regret the decision. They ruled the tank, bullying my other fish and constantly knocked my corals around...lesson learned.