and I dive in head first.

Midas is one of the coolest fish you can get, imo. Lots of folks say theirs is a favorite. Lots of personality and a mesmerizing rhythmic swimming. Definitely my favorite fish...
JDavid;934646 wrote: Chromis are damsels, and so are clownfish. They are all damsels.

I have a large blue chromis, but I don't have any issues with him. My saddleback grew up in a tank full of damsels and she is the boss lol.

I'm really sad that I have to get rid of her when I upgrade, because my snowflake clowns have been living in a ten gallon tank and they can't go together. She'd kill them.

I know but chromis fish just seem a lot nicer I guess lol.
That would be why I'm taking him out today. But yes I will look into the midas. I have no idea what it is so I have to look it up first. Lol
I thought about it last night after posting and I just wanted to say that a huge portion of us made the same mistake, there is a reason it's called the damsel trap. Talking to LFS and doing online research on sales sights will inevitably attempt to convince you you purchase a certain item. Try and utilize some of the forums more than the sales based information. One store or sight may tell you it's okay to mix a particular type fish with another but before purchasing, run by us or another forum. Reef Central or Reef2Reef are another great resource. Plan your fish purchases accordingly, for example, put in the most aggressive fish you want last. Post a thread about some of peoples favorite fish and why. You have a beautiful setup and should be able to stock it almost anyway you want.

Just some suggestions...
Midas Blennys are as stated, very personable and fun to watch
Jawfish are about the same and require a decent sand bed which you have.
Both the above are jumpers so a cover is necessary.
Firefish and Anthias are some great fish people that people have really good success with.
Tangs are one of my favorite but can be difficult with aggression, size and Ich.
Wrasses are a favorite and require a finer sand bed, need feeding frequently and are jumpers as well.
Hawkfish are really cool but definitely do research on types, I like the Arceye.
There are all types, some swimmers, some perchers, some don't really tend to travel the tank but stay in a particular area like clowns. There are some fish that will do well for a period of time then just die one day for no apparent reason, like Copperband Butterflys...? I have no idea but I know many people this has happened to.

These are just a few suggestions, individual fish may vary but the majority will hold true to their nature. Some people have luck with the same type fish that another has terrible luck with.
Additionally, as previously mentioned, I must admit that setting up a QT is a huge PITA but one day you will regret it if you don't, this one is a huge and you will have to be the one to decide. I know there are many people selling inexpensive tanks that would make good QTs so give it some serious thought.
Good luck...
kstyle13;934712 wrote: A 55 gallon word work for qt right? I've got sitting on my back porch now. Lol

55GALLON..... I only have a 15 gallon qt... If you do use it make sure you clean it out good.

Edit: Tangs are very peaceful fish but make sure you have an established and healthy tank before getting one.
Lol it was just a thought because it's the only tank I have sitting out back. Lol all my other tanks either Busted in the last story or I busted them somehow or another. If that too big I can always get a smaller one. Lol

Edit: Btw my fire goby has not come out from hiding since I put him the tank. If I crawl behind d it I can see him. He's still alive but he's not coming out. Is this normal?

Edit: My hermit crabs are cool though. They are crawling all over my lr. I used to be really into keeping land hermit crabs. Like I had 6 different tanks set up and had all the known species. So to be able to combine these guys into my tank was very exciting to me. :-D
It took my diamond goby about 1 week to come out. Just make sure he is eating and make sure you feed it a lot. And also make sure it is healthy. How big is it.

And who doesn't love mini hermit crabs :yes: . I have like 50 blue leg ones in my 90 gallon right now.
Lol ikr. I love the little guys. They are bright too. The red ones are like like their larger land cousin the strawberries. They so pretty and fascinating. But the goby is about 2.5 inches. He's just sitting in the bottom of the tank. I made the lfs feed him before I got him because I wanted to make sure he was eating already but now he's not eating. At least not yet. Should I place some kind of food down where he is close to him? If so what kind? All I have right now are the reef flakes.
Some frozen brine should work. Is he sifting at all? Have you dumped in some copepods?

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indecloudzua;934755 wrote: Some frozen brine should work. Is he sifting at all? Have you dumped in some copepods?

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Is he sifting? That would be a good sign. If he is I would stick a cube is the sand by him.
indecloudzua;934755 wrote: Some frozen brine should work. Is he sifting at all? Have you dumped in some copepods?

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I think shes talking about a fire fish and they arent sifters.
kstyle13;934712 wrote: A 55 gallon word work for qt right? I've got sitting on my back porch now. Lol

A 55 g would work fine but it would take more work to get it set up and maintain . I like 10-20 gallon with just a basic filter ,1small power head and a heater the 10 gal size I use to just take 5 gallons of water out of my display add 3-4 gallons salt water and drop in a small bag of matrix that's seeded in my display tank . Then add stability and continue to check ph and Alk and ammonia ( I put a salt water ammonia color card from Seachem in my small qt) do small water changes every couple days ( just 1 gallon out of 10 gal) and it works pretty easy and cheap .
You have a good size Tank so if you know your going to be getting a lot of fish I would set up QT and just let it run and maintain it just like your normal tank .
Good luck
I have two damsels in my 90 gallon reef, one yellow tail and one figi, both incredible blue and yellow color and a real eye catcher. What I wouldn't give to be able to get them the heck out of my tank!! They are nasty little guys and bully anything I put in the tank. They caused me to buy a stress ball. Never again!

Edit: Fiji* damsel
I was referring to the fire goby. He's not doing anything but sitting there. I just bought some brine shrimp to try it. And I'm a dude.
My bad. But if this is the fish your talking about they are sand sifters and it will take h8m a few days maybe a week to get use to the tank. He will be ok im sure
That's him. Lol I figured that what it was but I just wanted to be sure.

Edit: And it's ok. By my name I get that all the time. Lol plus doing hair it happens pretty often. No harm no foul