Anemone Carnage / Evil Clownfish


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So for those of you who question whether or not clownfish can kill and eat an Anemone, they can!!

My 2 clowns ( who have been re-homed, because they have killed a Goby, ripped a leg off my star fish and God knows what else ) the male in particular pulled and ripped off the tentacles of my beautiful bubble tip, long story short, it died.

I've had to totally remove all my rock, did a huge water change, vacuumed my sand bed, but I still have dead particles of Anemone hanging off of some of my coral and floating around. I know the skimmer should get most of the particles? I have NO fish in the tank right now.

Any suggestions, tips or advice related to this topic would be greatly appreciated!
Keep doing what you're doing is my advice, and yeah, some clowns are evil. What kind of clown was it?
Thanks Ben! They were just ocellaris clowns. I only have a 20gal so I'm thinking maybe they were to big for my tank. They were a decent size. grrr! They were really pretty and healthy. Got them from SEA. No more fish for a while.
That is decidedly bad. Bummer. My RBTA looks like it might be splitting soon...if you're interested in another one I'll let you know and give you a deal on it. Hope you get everything back to normal soon.
Thanks Christopher! I'm going to lay low on the fish and anything new for a bit. Hopefully all my soft corals will make it through being knocked around and moved 100 times.