Anemone is new tank.


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To start off i am not a newbie at anemones. I have a couple in my display and have always had good luck with them. So my following question is can i put an anemone in a well established 1 month old 10 gallon tank....Dum question right?.... :tongue: I know most of you are going to say that you need to have a 9 month old tank and so on. Well so far this tank has been stable and the only thing that's high is the nitrites and its a 20ppm. I have a coupe snails, about 5 frags that have had excellent growth and some macro algae. So if i did get a anemone (bubble tip ) what would be the affects on it from the tank not being established "enough". I'm not saying im going to get one im just asking on why i shouldn't put one in the tank until later on.

Nems like stable parameters just like most other corals. To me it depends on the size of the nem and what all you test for. If the pH is stable and you have enough light you can keep a nem alive. Most people say to wait a bit and have a bigger tank so the nem can thrive.. The is a difference between thriving and keeping alive. Another consideration is that if your nem grows at all it will take over a 10 gal tank.
Well it is a frag tank... So it would probably be propagated every couple months.
I've had nems in fresh tanks thrive. I've also had them in couple year old tanks and for.
Take the risk in you can get those Paramus better
If i do get one its probably going to be another month and if something were to happen to it i guess i could put it in my main tank..
Did you mean nitrates? If your nitrites are that high I would think your tank is still cycling.