anemone question


Reaction score
I have a 55gal setup, running a few months now. LR is starting to color nice and the cleanup crew has been doing great. (2 turbo snails, various little snails, red hermit crabs, a serpent star and a lawn mover)
Right now I have three damsels and a tomato clown. (going slow..ya know :) )

So.. my question is... what would be a good anemone to add for the tomato? I know they don't need one.

Is it too early to add one? (ie: wait six months or a year for a new tank...ect)

Hardware wise I have: (again a 55gal)
Reaction efu-25
eshopps psk-100h
Solar Xtreme HO448 (setup timer for 10k&blue, then blue, then moon light)
1 power head (forgot model)
about 50+lbs LR and a few inches of live sand.
I'd wait until your aquarium is at least 6 months old before adding an anemone.

Personally, I'd wait until it was a year old to ensure that your system has aged and has stablized.
I added my anemone after 2 months of starting my tank and it did just fine.