Another Club Newbie

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Hello all, we just joined the club yesterday (we live in Acworth) and thought we'd say hello. I've had a number of freshwater tanks throughout my years, up to and including a 150, and always wanted a saltwater setup. My better half (MommaFishels) has never had an aquarium but has always wanted a saltwater tank.

Well, I bought her a 75 for Christmas. The initial plan was FOWLR, but as the old saltie adage goes, they all become reefs. How true. The tank is now fairly well stocked and starting to stabilize and mature. Taking our time with cycling, QT, and stocking just about killed both of us, but nothing good ever happens fast in this hobby. Now the reef bug has us both and we're just beginning to get into corals.

We thought we'd get involved in a local club and hopefully learn all the tricks to reefing and meet a lot of good people along the way. So here we are. We're looking forward to meeting all of you and hopefully seeing some really awesome reef tanks and learning from everyone.
Welcome--you've come to the right place! Glad to have you aboard!:yay:
Welcome to the club. You will have to tell us more about your setup and we all love to see pictures.
Welcome!!! You came to the right place! and it you haven't figured it out yet, it sounds like you live dangerously close to saltwater city. Yikes!:roll:
bobz;165814 wrote: Welcome!!! You came to the right place! and it you haven't figured it out yet, it sounds like you live dangerously close to saltwater city. Yikes!:roll:

Wow. We had no idea about Saltwater City. We've looked for local stores in the past and could only find places like Marine Reef and Fish and Cap Bay. Once I saw your post, I started looking here on the board and found it. Looks like it gets nothing but rave reviews from everyone on here, and so much closer to home than the other LFS's!!! We'll be stopping by tonight on the way home to check it out.
LiveRock27;165813 wrote: Welcome to the club. You will have to tell us more about your setup and we all love to see pictures.

As for the setup it consists of the following:

75 gal AGA (should have gotten a drilled reef tank, but didn't know enough at the time)
Aquactinics Solar Flare 48" (6x 54W T5 overdriven to 80W, 480W total)
AquaC Remora Pro skimmer
Rena XP3 Filstar canister filter
2x Rena 200W SmartHeater
2x Hydor Koralia 4 PH's

80 lbs. Aragonite sand
~75 lbs. mixed LR (Fiji, Lalo, Tonga branch)

Orange spot Goby
Firefish (x2)
O. clown (x2)
Pajama Cardinal (x2)
Banggai Cardinal
Yellow Tang
Potters Angel
Skunk Cleaner Shrimp (x2)
Peppermint Shrimp (x2)
Assorted dwarf hermits (approx 10)
Assorted snails (approx 20)

Pom Pom Xenia
Indigo Digitata
Cotton Candy Pocillopora
Green Star Polyp Cluster

All livestock is about as small as you can possibly buy them. My better half likes the "babies". :D We're also aware that the Yellow Tang will eventually outgrow the 75 (he's tiny now) and plan to re-home him if/when necessary. Actually, we hope to have a much bigger tank by then.

I have some pictures of the tank taken about 2 days ago, but they are on the home computer. I'll see if I can't get some of them posted up tonight.