Another fish with ick

i found nemo

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Well last week my new coral beauty came down with ick. It is doing much better now. My strawberry pseudo that I got on the same day as the coral beauty came down with it a few days after the coral beauty, and it just died today. Well NOW my hippo tang has it and is going crazy and constantly scratching itself on all of the rocks and decor. I am wondering why this even spread to the tang because it had no reason to be stressed out. My friend who has had many saltwater setups in the past said if it got bad enough on the coral beauty to do a freshwater dip, so my question is do I need to do this or just wait it out? Or is there another treatment I need to try? I just want this stuff gone! :yuk::yuk:
I'm positive it is ick. I got some pictures but they are really fuzzy and it's not showing up well on them.
A freshwater dip will not prevent ick whatsoever. there are several sages to which an ick parasite goes through, and a FW dip will only mildly help for one of them.

There are several proven treatments for ick. How do you plan to treat? In display, or in QT? Any corals/inverts?
I'm not sure if it would be best to treat in QT or my display. I don't have any corals but I plan to in the future. I do have hermits, a snail, and a sally lightfoot. Would the treatment harm the crabs? What would be my best treatment options and do I treat the ones that are not showing any signs of having it or not?
I would treat the system with metro and focus (if you can get him to eat). They will not harm your crabs or snails. You say you want it gone but it is in your system and most likely will stay there forever unless you run your system without any fish for around 45 days but as soon as you add another fish with out QT first your system will have it again. I personally do not worry about ich at all, if you can keep him eating he will be fine.

Something tells me this is not ich though!
How do I not worry about it though? The tang is going insane and scratching up against everything constantly! I'm afraid she is going to end up cutting herself on the rocks! She definitely has ick! I am just confused here because some people are telling me not to worry about it, then others are saying this is a terrible thing to have and I should treat it. Someone please send me in the right direction I don't want any of these fish to die! :confused2:
I would treat the fish in the display tank and treat with metro & focus for now.

try not to stress them out anymore.

then, after a few days or week you'll have time to research Jeremy.
click the tag "ich" on the list of tags on the homepage.

forget the cleaner shrimp, albeit it might aid in comfort, nothing else.......
If the ich is only slightly appearing in the tank you could try ich attack bump up the temperature in your tank to 80-82 , turn off your skimmer if you use the ich attack (Safe for you invertebrates)... and maybe use some kind of stress coat oh and also keep him eating and put some garlic extract in food... I wouldn't try stressing them out by taking them out of the tank or freshwater dipping... at least not for ich... it comes and goes... you can actually make it worse trying to move rocks and trying to get them out. HOWEVER, if it's not ich and is marine velvet or something then copper is the only way to go in the QT tank... i think marine velvet makes the skin look more like felt or velvet texture IMO...
Thanks for the advice. I'm not really convinced that it was ick. Whatever it was is gone and everything in the tank is fine now :yay: