Another PIJAC Alert - not in GA yet but headed for TN...

Well HR669 (not the bill referenced in this thread but the BIG one that would affect the entire country) has a lot of support with other lawmakers.

The constituents have to make themselves heard. If the representatives don't hear our take on it, and we stay quiet, it could pass.

The alert was for CA, and TN (Pending) - is there a bill on the books for GA too? If so, please post it if you can - I'd love to have a look at it :) I network with a lot of other full line pet stores (most don't carry dogs/cats - they prefer to sponsor shelter adoptions) but I'm sure they'd be interested in this legislation also.

Maybe not - but what about the Georgia coast?

Volitan lionfish are now being found along the coast of NY. They worked their way up from FL, to the Carolinas, and beyond.

I'm opposed to that bill too- big-time (and have sent my letters) - we can't just read a bill and *think* it's too crazy to pass - we have to be heard. If there's no noise, it may pass.

I hope HR669 doesn't pass - but I am not just sitting there waiting - I took action and many others have too. If you're opposed, do something. We all need to.

I agree. States already have laws against invasive species or potentially invasive species. Caulerpa is illegal in CA. Piranha are illegal in GA, so are Quaker parrots - and the list goes on and on. While we've deviated from the original post in this thread - it's all of concern. HR669 would devastate the pet industry and farming industry (Alpacas and such aren't on the OK list)...

My intent in posting this particular alert is that it could possibly pertain to frag swaps and such that occur as a result of people being in clubs (not club-sanctioned events, but private individuals who meet up to exchange livestock outside of a meeting etc.)
