Any idea what this is


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I have not been able to ID this anyone have an idea?
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I have two small clumps of it on Liverock, I thought at first it was a soft coral as it feels very similar to my Mushroom corals, then i was worried it was aiptasia but its the wrong color and texture.
Reason why I thought it may have been was the guy had treatment for it laying around when I picked up the tank. Whats amazing me is the amount of life in that tank. I have 3 different types of crab, tube worms, dusters, brittlestars, astrea, turbo and a snail I am still trying to ID. The various worms I am finding very cool. I have noticed one bristleworm however he looks to be one of the not quite so bad types. From everything I have read seems like these guys have been getting a bad rap.

I was up to 1ppm Ammonia but water changes have fixed that now I am just working on nitrates.
additional info,

No you cant scrape this off with your finger its full attached to the rock.
I have tons of coralline algae, i seeded my Bio cube with a couple of pieces from my 90 and have been adding purple up and i am already seeing it spread. Which I need since i have a nasty hair outbreak atm.

I will take a picture of the bigger clump that may give some clues. It really looks like some type of coral. Only death I have had so far was one hermit crab. All the corals I could find are in my biocube atm.

It swells when the lights are on, no mouth that i can see. I was told today it could be a parasite similar to aptasia but I am not convinced it is. The parasite I saw had distinct bubbly nodes at the end this does not. I will feel its texture in a bit and update.
Don't think it's a problem. I agree it looks like a shroom or a rock/flower nem.
Maybe that parasite you're talking bout is a Majano nem. Similar to an Aptasia.