Anybody use Marietta water out of the tap

I dont care how clean the water might be coming in my house, it still passes through copper pipe. That in itself is enough not to use tap.
I used marietta tap to fill my 120. It cycled for a month. Had absolutely no problems with it. Used prime and one of those products that help the tank cycle faster.It is absolutely ok to do it that way just make sure you use RO water to do water changes otherwise you will have problems with algae.
Just because you got by with it without problems does not constitute "it is absolutely ok".There is no way of knowing what could be introduced between his source of water and his house. DO NOT USE TAP WATER. It is like having a scuba tank filled at the tire shop.
anthony;1091190 wrote: i used marietta tap to fill my 120. It cycled for a month. Had absolutely no problems with it. Used prime and one of those products that help the tank cycle is absolutely ok to do it that way
bad advice!
Anthony;1091190 wrote: I used marietta tap to fill my 120. It cycled for a month. Had absolutely no problems with it. Used prime and one of those products that help the tank cycle faster.It is absolutely ok to do it that way just make sure you use RO water to do water changes otherwise you will have problems with algae.

This is how I read that....

First time I saw a hooker I didnt use a condom and Im perfectly fine, but its a good idea to use them from now on.:up:
JennM;1091047 wrote: end up with no chlorine and close to 0 tds.

Is this really what you're looking for out of RO? Chlorine obviously... and 0 tds?
Im just telling you the absolute truth. Not only did I use tap water with my first initial fill up with no problems at all. I know three other people who did the same with the same results. However like I said I did eventually replace all that water thru water changes after the cycle was complete. Not at once but over a period of 6 months or so. That setup was beautiful, had nice corals gemrowong like crazy and a totalbof 21 fish 7 being tangs. Not a single problem. Until one day when someone hit the telephone /power pole down the road and I came home to a completely dead tank..wanted to cry. I had to go thru about 20 tangs replacing one after another to get the ones out that wanted to fight and finding more peaceful ones to put back in their place. Best setup Ive ever had.
BTW grouper therapy I just stated my experience in his same situation. Most of the time using tap will definitely cause a algea bloom however you should get a algea bloom when you're cycling anyways. In some ways it might be more beneficial to use tap to get cycling going quicker however thats being said with the false pretense of knowing what the government is putting in the water ,at that time,in that area. There could be a fluke situation where something is in the water that usually is not and that could definitely cause a bad problem however he should do what he thinks is best for him in his situation because even if you live in the same area the situations May differ.
My point is the risk is not worth the reward. 3 days of making ro water seems minute in the grand scheme of things.
Thats true but if you dont have a RO/DI system and you're forced to get water from LFS for $1/gallon that's $300 not including the gas to get there and back 5-20 times depending on how big your vehicle is (truck vs car). Thats a lot of 5 gallon container . Then each container cost $10-$12. (Lets say $10 and you need to buy 10 of them so you can make it in 6 trips thats another $100 ) now you're at $400+ and that's just for water. I can see why someone would be tempted to try tap to start especially if others have done so successfully.
Anthony;1091230 wrote: Thats true but if you dont have a RO/DI system and you're forced to get water from LFS for $1/gallon that's $300 not including the gas to get there and back 5-20 times depending on how big your vehicle is (truck vs car). Thats a lot of 5 gallon container . Then each container cost $10-$12. (Lets say $10 and you need to buy 10 of them so you can make it in 6 trips thats another $100 ) now you're at $400+ and that's just for water. I can see why someone would be tempted to try tap to start especially if others have done so successfully.
Exactly so a $150 RODI seems pretty smart to start things off with, especially since the loss of one coral or fish would pay for it. That is my point, with so much on the line why would one not make an rodi the first purchase. Tempting to some maybe, not me.
I agree i could never go back to not having a RO/DI again.
I researched quite a bit, and still do, for a few months before I started collecting components for my system. The 1st purchase I made was a good RODI system from another member here. Everything about this hobby starts with water... Yes you can probably get by using treated tap water I just didn't think it was worth tempting fate. I'm in it for the long haul so I started out the way I thought was best.
I think the biggest problem is most people think you have to have a lot of room for an RO/DI. That's the reason why I didn't buy one at first I didn't have the room for a mixing station. However now I have one set up in my laundry room I just feel my 5-gallon containers with RO water and next the salt in a 29 gallon aquarium in a separate room it's easy Like I said before I could never go back to not having one it's one of them items then I suggest strongly that someone invest in before getting into the hobby
when I started I was using walmart ro water. I had a big...huge cyno outbreak and have spent 6 months trying to get back right again. I got a deal on a brs 150 gpd system on the cheep. I also had no good place for my unit, had it set up in my bathroom to start. I found the best place for me has been the laundry room, if you go to your lfs, use a TDS meter to check as they make a lot of water their filters get dirty quick.
Marietta water is great, but thr tds on the incoming side of my rodi normally reads in the upper 50's. I would not consider using unfiltered tap water for my tank. I have a 50 gpd rodi unit that actually fills my 44 brute while I sleep.

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