Anyone else leave their windows open?


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This time of year I open my home office windows to get a nice breeze and to keep the tank a little cooler. I noticed this morning that I had a nice coating of pollen all over my desk, tank, lighting unit, etc. I am assuming that this will not cause any issues in my tank.
I have not seen it cause a problem in my tank yet. The test is still out. If I get an oak tree growning next to my keyna tree I will let you know! ;)
Windows open (generally speaking) is very good for your aquarium. Homes often build up Carbon Dioxide which causes problems with oxygen exchange and lowers pH. In fact one of the better treatments for low pH is to open the window first.
Pollen sucks... when will they realize they won't win? Come to think of it, I haven't seen any new flowers or trees in the area that aren't planted by man.
I listed that "generally" part of my statement thinking of pollen and outside temperature. My house has a nice yellow/green film in it and I know some of it is in the tank.
Ya for sure some is getting in my tank. I have my skimmer intakes outside so I'm sure it's sucking in a good amount. Really need to get a filter on it!