Anyone have a link to repairing a DC8?

Yes it was. It was a simple procedure, just difficult to accomplish. I had to de-solder all of the plug outlets to release the card from the faceplate. PITA.

Then I had a short, which turne out to be an odd config on the new triacs that made their heat sinks shorted to the + 120vac, so I had to un-ground the heat sink.

While trying to discover the above problem's cause, I blew a capacitor so i had to replace it as well.

So, cost to repair at neptune? $70
Cost me to repair it? $8 and 500 hours of time.
That sucks, but at least the end result was good. I can't believe they made it with the outlets soldered in place - bad design.

But yeah- post it up- it'll be cool to see.
Couldn't you have just asked Neptune for the part?
Well, yeah, but the part was easy to find and get. Installing it was the hard part.

Unless by part, you meant DC8. I guess I could've asked them for one.
mojo;260159 wrote: That sucks, but at least the end result was good. I can't believe they made it with the outlets soldered in place - bad design.

But yeah- post it up- it'll be cool to see.

Yeah, it is tricky, not really designed for maintenance. The outlet assemblies snap into the face from the front, then are soldiered to the card in the back. The only way to remove them is to desoilder and pull out the front.

The fuse is very difficult to access as well, so while I was in there I added an external fuse adapter that uses regular auto fuses.
Na, I meant the triac. Since the replacement triac was different, it would've save you some time/aggravation just ordering the part direct.
Oh yes, true. Honestly I didnt consider asking. Should've. THat would have been smart. But I'm a former Marine. If I was smart I would've been in charge by now.