anyone have an aquac skimmer?


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After my skimmer fun yesterday I am looking into getting a new skimmer. From doing some research I am leaning towards grabbing one of these."></a>

Anyone have one? Would love to hear from club members with exposure to these.


What makes you want that one?

I only ask because what type of system you have(want to have) will greatly affect waht skimmer is best for you.

I have heard that Aqua C makes good stuff, and I have owened a Remora Pro (good skimmer), but for the price I wonder if you should go with something a little more like a Octupus/MSX style skimmer

Are you running it in sump or out of sump, and what size tank, type of corals, and anticipated bioload?

Since I dont have one, I can only tell you my general experience with Aqua C.. The remora I had was very well built of heavy guage acrylic, and the spray nozzle technology worked well on that small of a skimmer. It overall performed to a satisfactory degree for me..
In sump,

Tank will be mainly softies and fish for the next 6 months. I will when i feel confident be adding a clam or two. Really not sure about sps corals as yet. Its a 90 gallon setup. Bioload I need to figure out as i find the things that I like.

Reason why I was looking at that skimmer was that its one of the few that comes with really good documentation. I looked at the octi skimmer and dug out both good and bad reviews of it.

I have been looking at all types of skimmers and since the skimmer is probably one of the most important parts of a reef setup I want to get as much input as possible.

I will probably next year also upgrade the sump it really comes down to what I end up getting first since my gf wants a bigger tank for downstairs which I will probably start to put together in March/April timeframe.

I think the Octos with the sicce pumps are pretty hard to beat all around, given that every design has pros and cons.

Hopefully you will get more input as the day goes on, but honestly skimmer selection is one of the hardest thing to advise people on. THere are so many, and a myriad of applications, concerns, designs, opinions, etc.
If you're looking at the AquaC, consider a beckett skimmer. The beckket injector is a far superior technology. Take a look at the">MR-1</a>. Also, if you think you may want to upgrade soon, you may want to consider the [IMG]">MR-2</a>. It's fully upgradeable; you can add a second injector and even a riser tube, turning the skimmer into a MR-3!.

Did I mention that MRC is a local company AND an ARC sponsor? ;)
+1 to MRC as well. I have never heard complaints out of that line. The ocean Force is another skimmer they offer to consider, that is similar in design to the octos
I have an Aqua-C and like it... It has its pros and cons just like any other skimmer... But that is what you saw running on my 55gal.
You know I was too busy staring at your tank to notice what skimmer you had I do find that funny however that I find myself considering the AquaC
I have one sitting in my closet collecting dust. It worked great for years, I was emptying the cup every 2-3 days. Only thing I didn't like about it was I was overdriving it with a mag 12 and that used a lot of juice to run it. (I'd recommend a mag 9.5) and the water was noisy coming out. Also, I had to make a shelf inside my sump to raise it so the waterlevel was even with the outlet. Overall, it's a good skimmer compact and fit right in my 12x12 area of my sump.

I was going to ebay it soon, but if your interested I can meet you someplace so you can see it. I'm only asking $125.00 no pump and instructions can be downloaded off their website.

Thanks I may very well contact you regarding that.

What I liked about the aquac was they seem to have very good documentation and support. It also from what I read would fit well into my current setup without to much ripping stuff apart. Given I have an inline external pump with hard pvc pipes :)
They are loud (that is why mine is in my closet) but so are the becketts. I think I have mine on a Mag 9.5 or even a 7. I can not remember. They can be a bit hard to dial in, but once done, they skim like crazy! If I were buying a brand new skimmer and paying full price, I would look at something else but used, there are aqua-cs out there for good prices.
You might want to go with the ev180 on a 90gallon, just in case you decide to carry a larger bio load. Plenty of used ones on Reef Central or Ebay.

I've only used an AquaC so I really don't have anything to compare it to. Mine is setup externally and noise is minimal. I've used external pumps and mags and felt like I got better performance from the external pumps without the noise. Panworld 40px was a fantasic pump for the 120ev, dead quiet and only 45watts.
+1 for the pan world pumps; they're awesome and silent.