Anyone have dendro?


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I bought a coral on here from a member thinking it is dendro, and the member advertised it is dendro. Well, it's been a month and the coral refuses to open during the day. However, during night time, the polyps extend fully. So how can I get them to open during the day or distinguish the coral between dendro or sun coral.

I know dendro is a cousin of sun coral and opens during the day. But just wondering if I have to train it to do so?
A dendro should be open during the day and night. Mine close once in a while, but only for short periods. Sounds like you got a sun coral. Your seller probably didn't know the difference.
its very difficult to distinguish sun coral and dendro, esp if the polyps arent extended.

I have a dendro that is usually anywhere from 50% to 100% open, it fully opens in low light situations and sometimes randomly during the day. I'm impressed with how fast it is growing too.
Not all dendros open during the day, a lot do but i have seen many that do not, check out the ones at SWC for example ive never seen them open during the day, dose phyto in the water around them and tempt them to come out. Ive seen suncorals come out in the day, nothing is exact or guarenteed in the hobby thats for sure
My dendro is usually closed during the day, but about this time every evening it opens up because it is time to feed the tank and then remains open all night.

One can train them to be open during the day by feeding them during the day.

Dendros are non-photosynthetic so they do really have a light requirement. But that said mine is in the bottom of my tank.
My dendro is closed in the day too, but he gets a bit of light. I think they can be trained to be open in the day like suncorals
so where do you all keep your dendros? in the shady part of the tank so it doesn't have direct light?
I have fed them several times during the day but the polyps would retract after the feeding. However at night, it would extend fully. I have it in a shade just to encourage its polyps to extend but its not helping.
I am in the same boat, just purchased some dendro and it opens at night around 6:30 on the can set your watch to it. I've only had it for less than a week and I have it placed on the bottom of my tank on the sand under 175 MH's. It doesn't look like the ones at MACNA, but I think it is the difference between aquaculture and wild...anyone know?

See if you can get a pic and I'll see if I can get a pic of mine as well, maybe we can all compare?

Check this as well:

Dendros and suncoral simply look different to the naked eye. Suncorals are a lot more intense in coloration and are typically smaller. They also tend to share "skin" a lot more than dendros do. Every dendro I've had will expand its tentacles more once its eaten not withdraw into itself.
So what can I do to get it to extend its polyps before I give up and put him on the auction block?

Food usually lures them out during the day. Mine comes out under T5 lighting, but maybe stronger light discourages it.
Looks like a dendro to me as well. It may just need to eat more perhaps to get healthy? Try small formula 1 pellets. I've had good luck using that stuff with dendros.
Lfs got a whole batch of them that will close under lighting. Night, am and pm they are wide open and hungry. Sad really that I stop by that much, but I get to see the purple tip elegance they feed carnivore pellets and keep healthy. And one day they will frag it too