Anyone here have a Tomini Tang?


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I just picked on up...Beautiful fish.

He is in hiding at the moment.
He just keeps peeking out at me....maybe in the morning he will show himself..

Also bought a school of Heniochus.
here are some of my new friends....the tank has been pretty barren since the April power outage disaster..

Slowly putting some new buddies back into the tank.

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Also some Purple Linka Love with a snail

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The Tomini is still extremely shy...starting to PO me....Only caught a glimse of him yesterday for a second....

Try again today..
Todd, I think I might take that other one if its still available. I'll speak with her Saturday morning to find out.
fish are looking great todd, hope the tang comes around soon, I'ld love to see a pic.
He is out now.....Still a little jumpy, but I will try to get a shot of him today..He is so cool looking..
He is fast and maybe get a better one in a bit..Still good looking fishy

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Yes it is thanks!!

However, the Heni's pictured above are now only ONE!!!! P--sses me off so bad...What the hell happens to fish!??? Is there some 4th dimension out there that sucks the life out of fish and takes them there? Hell, if there was a predator in the tank....why not kill all of them? I also have Pygmy Angels that are smaller than them...and other things that have been in there a long time....

makes NO sense..
Mine isn't shy anymore...he is out and about with his new friends.