Anyone running the new G6 radions?


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Im nearing purchase time for the lighting on my display. Im leaning toward an array of XR15 pro's but im hearing horror stories about the mobius app.

Is anyone running these? How do they work for you?
The newest Radions I have are Gen 4. I really like the Mobius app. I know may people do not like it, but I think it is good.
Im finding most apps for high price equipment simply blows. The mastertronic app is mind numbingly slow.

Any issues with the lights loosing connection to the app? Or do the schedules stay onboard the device?
What specifically do you dislike? I use it to control my AI and Radion lights as well as my Nero 5 power heads. I pretty much never change anything so I guess I do not interact with the app very often.
Im finding most apps for high price equipment simply blows. The mastertronic app is mind numbingly slow.

Any issues with the lights loosing connection to the app? Or do the schedules stay onboard the device?
I think the program stays on the lights. I have not had any issues with lost connections so far.
the schedule stays on the device.

for it's price point, i find the reliance on Bluetooth for connection unacceptable. it's not reliable and has a distance limitation.

i understand that we shouldn't be adjusting the light when we're not in front of the tank, but there's use-cases when the light needs to turn on when you're remote (for instance major tank crash, ask your friend to look at your tank in the middle of the night because you're getting alerts from Apex, etc).
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This is my first stint into LEDs that are not DIY, or a black box POS. The most control I had over LED's was white/blue on off and a 0-10v for dimming. Which Id honestly be more happy with right now.....

If I can set a schedule and leave it and not worry about it then I 90% there. If there is an easy way to toggle "lights full on" for maintenance, or "blue lights on" for late night viewing then I am sold.
the schedule stays on the device.

for it's price point, i find the reliance on Bluetooth for connection unacceptable. it's not reliable and has a distance limitation.

i understand that we shouldn't be adjusting the light when we're not in front of the time, but there's use-cases when the light needs to turn on when you're remote (for instance major tank crash, ask your friend to look at your tank in the middle of the night because you're getting alerts from Apex, etc).

That makes sense. I wonder why they do not support wifi considering how easy it would be. Didn't the old app work on wifi not bluetooth?
This is my first stint into LEDs that are not DIY, or a black box POS. The most control I had over LED's was white/blue on off and a 0-10v for dimming. Which Id honestly be more happy with right now.....

If I can set a schedule and leave it and not worry about it then I 90% there. If there is an easy way to toggle "lights full on" for maintenance, or "blue lights on" for late night viewing then I am sold.

There is a setting for feed mode that will basically turn the lights on white so you can see. You can setup a template for blues, photos, viewing, or whatever you like. I have not looked into whether you can make a shortcut button for those or not. I have been just switching over to the template I want to use.
That makes sense. I wonder why they do not support wifi considering how easy it would be. Didn't the old app work on wifi not bluetooth?

reeflink used to the hardware that you can buy to control your radions through wifi....but with the roll out of mobius, reeflink has been discontinued. supposedly they will make all mobius compatible devices wifi-capable but i will believe it when i see it. for the price point and the standard that ecotech claims to have set for their product line, i just feel like if my smart outlet can be connected via wifi, so should my radions.
if you ever have connection issue with mobius, just reboot all devices.
I am late to the Radion scene. First time owning radions and I agree with everyone's sentiment about their app sucks, especially based on their price point and them being considered a premium product.

In the middle of programming it, it would lose connections with 1-2 units and I would have to reboot the unit just for it to appear back on the app to save the programming. Also, it is very inconsistent with its connection, sometimes it will connect to all 7 units right away, sometimes I will have to sit there for a 30 secs or so and sometimes having to force close the app and try again.
I am late to the Radion scene. First time owning radions and I agree with everyone's sentiment about their app sucks, especially based on their price point and them being considered a premium product.

In the middle of programming it, it would lose connections with 1-2 units and I would have to reboot the unit just for it to appear back on the app to save the programming. Also, it is very inconsistent with its connection, sometimes it will connect to all 7 units right away, sometimes I will have to sit there for a 30 secs or so and sometimes having to force close the app and try again.
Why they would ever thing Bluetooth is better than WiFi?
I haven’t had any issues with the app. There’s a learning curve to it but no issues in the 4-5 months I’ve been using it