Anyone use Azoo Titanium Heaters?


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I received several Azoo Titanium Heaters for Christmas and was about to put a couple of them in the tanks. On the back it shows pictures for proper use and the only correct way shows it near the bottom in a horizontal posture. Does anyone else have these? How do you have them mounted? Is there any logical reason not to put them in vertically as long as they are completely submerged? Thanks for any and all inputs.
I have no experience with this heater. The only thing I can think of would be true with all heaters. If you have them vertical the heated water is just going up the sides of the heater in a thin column, thereby making the heater think the water is warmer than it is. If the heater is horizontal then the heated water just rises off the body of the heater in a wide column and circulates. Just food for thought.

All heaters work better horizontally because they distrubte heat more evenly when placed in that position. As the water heats it rises, so horizontally gives a wider area for water to rise from.
hmm, never thought about it but that makes a lot of sense... I think I need to check my heater positions! Thanks!