Anyone with an ORP probe?


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Hi All,

I just purchased a new Red Sea Aquazone Deluxe ozonizer last week, and the ORP probe it came with originally stated that my ORP was 30mV. Now that I've been using a low dose of ozone for the past few days (10 mg/hr) it reads 200mV.

I've been told that my ORP probe is most likely wrong, as my tank is fairly clear, I have no algea problem, and my fish have easily survived over the past several months.

I'll be calling Red Sea on Monday, but I was wondering if there is anyone with a portable ORP probe that can possibly swing by to test my water? I'll try to make it up to you.

If you can, I'd appreciate it.


P.S. I'm in Cobb -- PM me for directions.
I have some ORP calibration fluid that you can use to check your probe, if need be. But you'll have to bring your stuff to me.

You might just want to give it a while - it could take days/weeks/months for it to get to 300-400mV
Thanks for the offer. I read a user review on Marine Depot that said that it takes about a week before the probe reports correct values. I believe that is what happened to me as well, though it has taken a little bit longer.

I'll see what happens over the next couple of weeks.
