AO's 50 gallon


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Hey all. New to the board, but been in hobby for awhile. This tank has been up and running for about 2.5 years. Still a lot of work left to do, but just enjoying the hobby now and wanted to share.
Welcome to ARC!
You have a nice tank. :) I love the GSP on the back wall. Now you just need some clowns cruising in and out of it. :)
I had to move the GSP to the sides of the tank because I realized quick that once it got a hold of any rock it was going to move fast and take over... the idea was to try and create almost like a grassy look around the outskirts of the main reef rock... funny enough when non-reefers look at the tank they always think the GSP swaying in the actinics is the coolest thing.. go figure the easy stuff is what impresses people... I had a pecula for a couple years and he became too aggressive whenever I wanted to add new fish... i had a yellow watchman jump out of the tank a couple months ago too, and that really sucked because he was lots of fun during feeding time...

some of my focus on the tank now is:

1) i'm looking to add a tang and a fairy wrasse soon
2) trying to get some better zoa growth from some of my colonies that just refuse to spread...
3) add some new corals, probably some new zoas and maybe a rose tip bubble
4) continued fraging and swaping when possible
5) add some more base rock
6) keep up the water changes and let it grow...
Seems like your doing fine to me. Just starting out after being out of the hobby 8 years. Working on my tank now, hopefully I can get where you are, I just like softy's. GSP I love those as well, if they spread so be it.