Apex Lighting Scheme Programming


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So I have my apex set up to control LED lights on about 4 channels for different spectrum lights and they ramp up and down all day long.

I want to have a way to click a button and have all the led channels on at my chosen level at the time when I want it.

I'm raising my LED's up about 12" to better illuminate my tank and I want to do some good before/after par measurements to make sure nothing goes bad in the relocation.

Can I do something like create an outlet with the following program?:
Then just turn the outlet manual on when I want to over ride whatever lighting's doing at the moment?

set Outlet_1 50
set Outlet_2 30
set Outlet_3 80
set Outlet_4 45

Outlet_x is just a placeholder, i'll put the correct names
You need a profile to describe what level you want it at then create the outlet to turn it on when you want to manually activate it.