Apex questions. Classic vs the newer one

Love the Trident too, it's amazing! Takes so much burden off of the water testing side. Also, the addition of the salinity probe made me realize my refractometer was out of calibration. I'm slowly bringing my salinity back up by topping off with saltwater.

Odd you say that about the salinity probe. Mine has been wildly inaccurate and shows massive swings for no reason.

I got a new style base unit just so I could get a trident later. Its got a lot of bells and whistles to show you lots of information, but nothing really necessary over the old style.

Hell If my AC3 hadnt fried Id probably still be using it.
Odd you say that about the salinity probe. Mine has been wildly inaccurate and shows massive swings for no reason.

I got a new style base unit just so I could get a trident later. Its got a lot of bells and whistles to show you lots of information, but nothing really necessary over the old style.

Hell If my AC3 hadnt fried Id probably still be using it.

yea for what i need it for i didnt want to spend that extra cash for somethign i wouldnt use... but maybe in the future with my big show tank in the office i will try out the new apex lol
Odd you say that about the salinity probe. Mine has been wildly inaccurate and shows massive swings for no reason.

I definitely don‘t use it as my primary means of measuring, especially after reading about all of the issues folks have had with crazy swings and readings. I use it more for a reference point. If something looks off with it, I look deeper.

In the pic I posted, you can see where my reading had dropped to 28.6, that’s was right after I had calibrated the probe. Seeing that led me to check my refractometer and calibrate it. I found it was off, by a few points. Tank was at 1.022, I’ve been topping off with salt water since. It’s up to 31.7 conductivity wise and 1.024 specific gravity.

The 2 measurements (conductivity and specific gravity) are really apples and oranges though. Two completely different parameters. Have to make a decision on which one to rely on. I’ve been using S.G. since 2006, so I figured I’d stick with it.
